and Corvin, where was this meeting place?
Could You REALLY Explain All The Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
"and Corvin, where was this meeting place?"
Nice try, but no one will ever know.
I could explain them pretty good. Except for 1914, I always tried to get by that one fast or without notice. Oh, and Birthdays, that was reaching out for something that wasn't even close to being there.
ROFL, Corvin!
I would bet that the minister wasn't very well prepared. He probably figured you were some dumb 18-year-old and he could take you with one hand behind his back.
Also, of course, he was fighting on your ground. Trinity and afterlife are difficult because the Bible is fairly ambiguous on those subjects. If he had gone on the offensive (false prophecies, etc.) I bet it would have been harder for you to beat.
Oh, and Birthdays, that was reaching out for something that wasn't even close to being there.
LOL, yeah, I always did that one based on the old 'pagan origins' argument. I could not say with a straight face that we shouldn't celebrate birthdays because some dude got his head chopped off at a birthday party three thousand years ago. -
Sure! No problem! First I would hand the person that wants to know all that stuff a rubber hammer and tell them, " Before we start, hit yourself on the top of your head with this hammer several hundred times.......
With the Trinity, I never understood either side. Why did people want to believe in it, and why did we not? I did teach it a couple of times in Bible Studies, and had it taught to me by people who believed in it. I have to admit, I was always lost and thinking, "Is this really that important?"
Yep could do it then and could still do it now if I put my non-questioning dub personna on.
Could do it better then my sil who is still in.
Thats maybe why nobody has ever called on us.
Q: why JWs believe that 1914 was a marked year
A: Because the Governing Body says so.
the Watchtower definition of the Faithful & Discreet Slave
Whatever the Governing Body says.
not accepting blood transfusions
Whatever the Governing Body says
the differences between porneia, loose conduct and uncleanness, etc..........
All the above will send you straight to Hell. Because the Governing Body says so.
See? As a good Dub, I explained all of Minimus' questions!!
and mom was pissed that her paster was getting "pimp slapped" all over the place,
haha that was funny.
Never could explain every single thing... too busy too try
Ha! I remember drawing a blank about Thanksgiving Day. It sounded SO DUMB to say "because it's worldly and we're no part of the world." I didn't even bother with that one. Actually, most of the holidays were pretty embarrassing to explain, since most people don't grasp or agree with the concept of "pagan equals BAD."
And the dubs would probably say "see? she was embarrassed, hence she was weak." Ha! Most dubs I ever knew tried to be "tactful" about explaining such things at work, etc. They are mostly all embarrassed unless they're the "jerk" type who enjoy being offensive and sounding stupid. Lol.