Could You REALLY Explain All The Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oroborus21

    Hey Minimus,

    sure they could, especially with the right publication in hand. Of course the real question is whether such explanation would be satisfying or actually hold water. There are only a few questions that can be asked of JWs that are ultimately unexplanable or at least do not have a very good theory to support them in my opinion. However, I think many would assert that this can be said of all of their "explanations" but what you really have is just a difference of conclusion. Who is really objective to say which is more reasonable or supported by demonstrative and replicative evidence? Not me.

    Sadly, not as many JWs can fully explain their beliefs without anything but the bible and fewer still with nothing but their memory. But I don't think we should really criticize them for this or at least hold them up to much derision. They are just poor citizens in the JW nation. It is like those idiots (and I use that term affectionately) that appear on Leno's "Jaywalking" who can't relate the stanzas of the Star Spangled Banner or identify a past president when shown a photo, or who otherwise are confused, ignorant or just plain clueless. Sadly our society is generously populated with such souls.

    JWs on the whole however, have to be given some credit. When it comes to the Bible generally, I would stack up any group of Witnesses against any similar sample of the general population and pit them against eachother in a Bible Quiz. The JWs will win everytime.

    Just watch Jeopardy! some time. It amazes me that these folks who reach that level and appear on the show (which is not easy to do by the way) are so ignorant about the greatest piece of Literature in the world, the Bible. Most of the questions asked in that category can be answered easily by any JW.

    So it is true that when it comes to defending some of their wackier beliefs, most JWS need real help, but on the whole they do a pretty good job and shoudl be given some credit.


  • buffalosrfree

    it use to be true that jdubs were pretty good with their bibles, now however, i'm not so sure, some time ago two jdubs dropped by our house, not knowing me i used the visit to ask them a question. which was Which of the ancient manuscripts Greek that is use the name Jehovah? because their bible uses it in the N.T., this they told me so when i hit them with the manuscript questions, their eyes got that deer in the headlights look.

  • Gerard
    Could You REALLY Explain All The Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Full explanation enclosed:

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I could at one time....

    it has been too many years for me to remember much about the JW teachings; except that I thought them very hypocritiacal

  • ColdRedRain

    No. You cannot teach all the beliefs of an organization that's doctrinally unstable and esoteric. It's logically impossible.

  • minimus

    Gerard, is that a brain?

  • Gerard

    Yes that's a brain... I meant to picture the fact that the JWs are asked to function in a vaccum and away from reality.

  • minimus

    you know it coulda been crap, too.

  • Carmel

    "greatest piece of literature in the world"???? that presupposes that the evaluater has read every piece of literature so as to make a valid comparison..

    carmel of the "give me a break" class

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