60 Minutes Tonight--Interesting
by patio34 40 Replies latest social current
Interesting reading !
It seems to match the facts know and how people have behaved in general.
little witch
Interesting reading,
sounds like a match of sour grapes. Guess its all in how one percieves it.
More interesting is the fact this comes from a Fired individual shortly before the election.
Also interesting that this individual was a Clintonite before he went to work for Bush.
LW and Yeru,
I personally would rather watch it for myself rather than having preconceived, ill-formed prejudices about it. Wouldn't a sensible person want to hear a witness in court before forming opinions? I don't give a whit whether he was a "Clintonite," Yeru, as I'm not a Democrat either.
Also interesting that this individual was a Clintonite before he went to work for Bush.
Clark worked for the Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2 Administrations.
By your standard he was also a Reagonite and a Bushite twice!
It's looking more and more as if Bush wanted an incident... a catalyst to get the ball rolling for his pre-planned war on Iraq. Some broken eggs to start his omelette.
Hi ya Six,
One could certainly draw that conclusion and not be irrational. Mm-hm.
all this shows me is the democarts don't have a clue how to fight fair, and have nothing really to offer. All they can do is fight dirty and try and inflame Bush hatred. Kerry is behind this, and not the guy i want runniing this governmet. And it is a long way before novemmber 2.
What a attitude Wed. Do you really think the country is better off sticking it's collective head in the sand? Shall we pretend this smirking frat-boy in the White House is qualified to lead? Should we pretend he's doing a good job?
How exactly is this "fighting dirty"? Please, please tell me. It looks to me like fair criticism. Fair criticism that the American public NEEDS to know about. Make the case that it isn't.