The grandson i never got to know

by kls 26 Replies latest social family

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    I feel your pain. Sheila and I lost a grandson last year. I still wonder sometimes what it would have been like if he had lived. I wrote him a poem. I'd like to share it with you.


    I love the Doe, I hate the Buck.
    I would have loved you too.
    But you came to us not finished yet,
    Your days in womb too few.
    Your Sissy made our day start bright,
    Her smile brings us such joy,
    You needn?t have rushed to join the fun,
    We?d have waited on you boy.
    Perhaps you saw us with her
    hand in hand, and one too few.
    Sure I?ve only two hands now
    But I?d have grown one just for you.
    It pains me now to know that I
    Will never know your heart.
    I?m left only with the memory of
    Your much too early start.
    I?d love to tell you that your life
    Would have been wonderful and grand.
    But you can?t control your makers
    Or the cards dealt in your hand.
    Know this though little one,
    Doubt it not one bit.
    My heart has cleared a place for you
    A warm and snuggly fit.
    So take that place and settle in
    See the world through my eyes.
    Help me watch over little Mac
    As we walk under sunny skies.
    Some folks go a lifetime
    And never leave their mark.
    You were only here a moment
    But a flicker in the dark.
    I?ll take that flicker now
    And gather it to my soul
    I?ll always wonder what could have been,
    Had you lived to grow and to be whole.
    I would have called you BUB.

    Copyright 2003

  • bebu


    For a person to have to do such a thing ever... That is so very sad. You were so kind to do what was so difficult.

    Thunder Rider, I really appreciated that poem very much. Thanks for sharing that.


  • simplesally

    Thunder ------------ oh my made me cry again for the baby I lost but never got to meet.

  • kat2u

    Thunder that poem was soo heartfelt and wonderful.

    I wrote a poem for my grandson when he died also,


    I mourn for who you were to be,tears shed of love for you.... and for me.

    Each milestone missed will be marked in my heart,

    you came here for a reason, you did your part

    The softness of your tender skin,The games of tag youll never win.

    The sweet smell and warmth of a baby so small,

    we will long to have comforted you after a fall

    The way your dad held you as you said hello to this world

    his voice was your comfort,and your brow quickly unfurled

    the tight grip of your fingers, so tiny,,, so sweet

    arching twords moms touch with those delicate feet

    The feel of your cheek as i kissed you goodby,

    and now the deep loss and the wondering..... Why!!!?

    But though there is pain right now fresh and deep

    Your memory forever in our hearst we shall keep

    Love grandma

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    OK now I'm crying again.

    Does it ever get better?


  • Sirona
    You were only here a moment
    But a flicker in the dark.
    I?ll take that flicker now
    And gather it to my soul
    I?ll always wonder what could have been,
    Had you lived to grow and to be whole.

    Thunder, that is lovely. I had a miscarriage a few years ago....and now I'm scared to even attempt getting pregnant again...


  • Special K
    Special K

    (((((KLS )))))

    Our losses in life can sometime be extreme and our thoughts often wonder what could have been.

    Loss of a child, through my own experience, only ever becomes bearable.


    Special K

  • DazedAndConfused

    I "almost" know the pain you are feeling. I can't imagine carrying your grandchild in your car, but I do know the pain of the loss of a child. 27 years ago, April, I lost a son. I remember becoming newly acquainted with a friend and her son was the same age my son would have been. I loved her son so much. Then it hit me on my son's birthday that they were the same age. I couldn't work, I couldn't function. He would have been 16 at the time.

    Funny how you don't ever forget how old a child "would have been".

    Thunder, to answer your question, for me at least, it does get better but the pain is still always there.

  • reganashe

    I'm very sorry to hear about your lost. I wish I had something to say that would make it all go away.

    Your in my thoughts.


  • Dansk


    I can think of nothing worse than the death of a child. We are all sorry for your sad loss. Words just aren't enough at times like this and, let's be honest, one never truly gets over it.

    Thinking of you with all the love in the world,


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