I do.
Do You Feel Embarrassed That You Were Ever A Witness?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, mostly for the clothes! Ick those long dresses.
But i got my revenge when I was fixing to leave I wore a short dress to give a talk. All the brothers in the front seat told my ex that they could see everything! I guess they were looking!
Gawd yes.
Yes, but more and more it is offset by the pride I feel for having wised up and left.
What else that was embarrasing was when talking about movies at work, and i hadnt seen it because it was pg13 or R. Here I was a grown woman and not being able to see normal kick ass movies because of being under WTS control.
The most humiliation i have ever experienced as a witness was at work after 911 everybody wore flag pins at work and I was THE ONLY ONE who didnt. I was more than embarrased I was ashamed.
I was ALWAYS embarrassed about it when I was a member, and tried to avoid bringing it up.
I was raised in it and had no choice while very young, although I did remain in the organization for a couple decades while an adult. I am not embarrassed about it, and am happy to explain to anyone who will listen how this group adversely affects people's lives.
I sometimes shake my head in disbelief whenever I hear a JW go off on a Theocratic? rant, and cringe at the thought that I probably used to be just as
oblivous to how insane I soundedZealous?.I feel badly for JWs who are dying to go off on a Theocratic? rant with me, but are intimidated by the presence of Worldly? relatives who most certainly will think they've gone mad if they do. It's a sure sign that there are cracks in the foundation of their faith, but they don't know how to fix them.
Love, Scully
Yes, a little. Mostly I felt embarrassed that other people were JWs.
More so when I was a Witness than now....Now I'm just proud to have survived.....
I feel/felt ashamed to admit I was a witness, but now that I'm trying to get out I don't seem to mind the idea of talking about it as much.