Greetings from Singapore

by mustang 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Have fun there. My Malaysian friends think it's beautiful, but like jail. Lots of laws I hear. (Malaysia is immediately North of Singapore)

    As for the JW's in Singapore, I think they can have meetings but they can't try to convert anyone. It was that way on my last trip anyway. For instance, they can't sit in the park and read a WT and strike up a conversation with someone. Bibles are not commonly seen, and may be illegal to display in public too.

    In Malaysia, it is against the law to try to convert a Muslim, and it is a Muslim government, so they are operating pretty precariously. I went to the Memorial there in 1997 and had to go through a lot of red tape before I left home, to even get a contact phone number. They are very, very careful there.

  • Badger

    Whacking off is also a death penalty offense...Hope you find a partner!

  • xjw_b12

    Mustang. Did you say that is where OUTLAW is

    Actually, sounds like Singapore is my kinda place!

  • DevonMcBride


    I heard chewing gum is outlawed there too.


  • ozziepost

    Just to sorta say a nice word about the Singaporeans:

    Mrs Ozzie and I have made several visits for business and pleasure and it's the cleanest place!

    Great hotels.

    Almost entirely late-model cars (older cars are restricted).

    Good roads.

    Well-organised tourist industry. Singapore Airlines are the best as far as we are concerned - ever try their Business Class? Now that's style!


    ....and boring! It's too nice. You need to get up into SE Asia to find some really interesting places.

    As far as religious persecution, we haven't seen any. The mainstream religions are represented. It was the dubs who were not officially sanctioned.

    As a tip: Mrs Ozzie and I make sure we have prescriptions with us for the medication we're carrying. Now, Singapore's drug laws are scarey!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Celtic

    Yam are a right bounder!!

    It's individuals like you, you lovable buggers that remind me, there's a whole wide world out there, full of new experiences and challenges, cheers mate, big thank you. Your post was the most optimistic I read all night. You have a ruddy brilliant great time!!

    My kindest regards and all best wishes.

    Mark (Celtic)

  • blondie

    Correction to my earlier post, the young man was only caned 2 times not 20.

    Caution: Be sure you know the laws of any country you visit or live in and the punishment for breaking it.

  • mustang


    I hate using somebody else's LAPTOP....

    I only get to the library or I-net cafe about every 5th day, so replies are sporadic.

    I found an intersting book with comments, but not pertinent details on the ban. It does mean NO DOOR KNOCKERS!!! I post on that when I return.

    Singapore gov. is smart, practical and no-nonsense; they see right through JW BS. If you are useless over here, they don't put up with you!!!

    Ozzie is right about Orchard Rd.: it is up there with 5th Av., Rodeo Dr & Saville Row. Better off with a HK or Vietnam tailor, i say. Besides, the national uniform here is shorts and a tee-shirt.

    I've been down Mandai Rd, past the Zoo/Night Safari many times, but keep missing it. We did the Jurong Brid Park & Sentosa this trip.

    We had breakfast in the Selatar Camp Army Base Golf Course. Old British Colonial Army Base, with maximum amenities: open air, mynah birds perching just out of reach, tropical paradise, beautiful golf course and absolutely beautiful describes it.

    More later...


  • mustang

    Ozzie's got it right: the REAL religions are represented here and I found a shelf or so in the library on it.

    I've been here about a half dozen times, so I have my "Singapore is a FINE Country" tee shirt for reference. Great place & clean, as all indicate. Law obedience is a big thing here & they don't care for off-the-wall ways to deal with it.


  • onacruse

    Mr. Mustang, you kranky old flyspeck-of-a-bird-who-can-somehow-fly a plane!

    Hugs to you and your wifey! Best of life to ya!


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