16 year olds will be voting in next elections

by Brummie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    : One liberal teacher, right here...but I don't encourage one way or the other....my students are, to a person, Democratic devotees.

    100% of them, eh? Doesn't that smell like a rat to you? Doesn't that smell like a rat to the school system? The schools these days have MUCH more influence on student's thoughts than when I went to school some hundred million years ago.

    Wacko liberal teachers (I'm not pointing a finger at you) put out wacko liberal students who then graduate and go to wacko liberal Universities with wacko liberal professors who produce wacko liberal graduates. These wacko liberal graduates marry wacko liberal women/men and then indoctrinate wacko liberal children that they've produced.

    My, God! Our system is DOOMED! It's a never-ending sequence of wackos producing wackos!


  • Badger


    I teach at an inner city school with a population of 90% Hispanic and 10% Black students. our school's chapter of Young Democrats has almost 500 members, while the Young Republicans has 12. Liberal hegemony is strong in this part of town, mostly because of the tradition of both parities in this area.

    If you go out to the suburbs of our area, the numbers are fully flip-flopped. And I would hardly consider Yale, Baylor, Texas A&M, or a lot of other schools "Liberal"

    EVEN THEN...

    the only subject where liberalism would come into serious play would be Social Studies. Since so many conservatives dismiss the study of history, sociology, geography and the like as "liberal revisionism" and don't even get involved. A Liberal Math Teacher? Give me a break.

    Worried about the Breeding of leftists? hang out in Plano, Mesquite or your local suburb where SUV's reign. That's a counterbalance.

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