Ok, Question: Was there a comment made at a meeting that finally convinced.

by New Castles 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ball.

    NO! I believed every word, loved the truth, hung on every word of every circuit overseer, lived, breathed the truth, pioneered. Only after they did me the favour of a disfellowshipping did the mental barriers start to break down. A different perspective from what you expected from your question.

  • 95stormfront

    For me, it wasn't so much a comment made at a meeting as it was a comment made in my very living room.

    I was beginning the slow process of drowning in a sea of debt unable to recover with the job, basically flipping burgers, that I presently had when I decided it's time to go back to school. Elders in my house almost every other weekend trying to talk me out of it, when one of them said, and I quote, "you'll be wasting your time going back to school. I'm in the business you're trying to get into and you probably won't make much more money than what you're making right now. Wouldn't your time be more productively spent in the ministry?"

    I looked at the tailored suit and the silk ties both of them were wearing and I realized that I'd surrendered wwaaayyyyy to much of my life to that organizationand it's pseudo-god and I needed to make a change .....fast.

    Fast-forward to today...some ten years later and I've finished school, quadrupled my income and raised my standard of living far above what it would've been had I taken their advice.

  • Nadsam

    Famous quote from my Mom:

    "The worst Witness is still better than the best Worldly Person"


  • ball.


  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Very interesting thread here, thanks to all who have contributed...

  • 4JWY

    Yes, New Castles - Sunday meeting prayer.

    We are new to the board too and are really happy to have found others who share so much in common. First thing we did was read Ray Franz's books as others recommended to you - that's all it takes to realize - you are on the right path now! The org. was my life for 43 years and it is just about indescribable to now, finally, experience true freedom.

  • outoftheorg

    I was already uncomfortable with the org. Because of what I saw as an elder, take place in the elder/circuit overseer's meetings and the 1975 debacle.

    What shocked me into full blown doubts was a statement made by a speaker at the Ogden Utah circuit assembly.

    The speaker stated " if you have a retirement plan, you are showing no faith in jehovah", since the end is so near.

    I had just started a retirement plan and this shocked me into really thinking things through. He insulted me and made me angry and I began to put together all the nonsense and the hateful attitude I was seeing more and more from the wbts and their idiot representatives.


  • Nocturne

    This comment was made a few months ago when the CO came to my congregation, i was already mentally out by then. He said: "You see the problem with the world, is that people DON'T JUDGE others enough anymore" and went on to talk about the decline in morals in our era blah blah blah...

    Obviously, the CO doesn't read his Bible much...

    Matthew 7:1-3: 1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

  • Leolaia

    New Castles....That was such an interesting question you posed....I am really enjoying this thread.....together with 4JWY, I welcome you both again to the board, and I look forward to your contributions and 'fellowship' in the months to come.

  • shamus


    Be with those whose children no longer attend meetings because THEY DON'T HAVE THE PROPER VIEW OF THE TRUTH. Blew us away and next meeting was our last.

    How loving on the part of the overbeerers, LOL! I would have gone up and kicked him straight in the nuts after the meeting, LOL!

    "Jehovahs witnesses have love amongst themselves". BULLSHIT.

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