Ok, Question: Was there a comment made at a meeting that finally convinced.

by New Castles 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    OH YES !!!!!!!!!!!

    I was at an assembly, and the brother on the platform gave the following experience :

    A six year old child was outside playing, and when the child next door came over to play, she said I cant play with you, because bad associtaion spoil useful habits. Isn't this a fine example on how our children learn from what we teach

    I was never so sick, like i was that day, not enough hate in the world, now we're picking on young kids and judging them.

    What made me sickest was the thunderous applause after he gave this experience.

    I complained to my parents all the home during the car ride.

    I guess maybe that was the beginning for me, in some strange way

  • twinkletoes

    So many things I could write about, after being in for over 30 years. But the following really summed up the "love" in my last congregation-

    The main Hall used for meetings was up a flight of stairs, therefore, disabled ones could not join with the cong. as there was no means of getting them upstairs, (although the promise had been made to sort out this problem, when they first required a show of hands for the purchase of the Hall.)

    One day the congregation was asked to vote to purchase new chairs to replace the current chairs (nothing wrong with the current chairs) and many voted in favour of spending lots of money on more comfort for themselves and yet having no concern for the disabled who had to sit in the downstairs foyer, watching the meetings on a black and white tv, and it was pretty cold too, with ones going in and out to the toilets etc. and of course many (mostly elders) standing around talking (during the meeting)

    What a lack of christian love !!!!


  • carefully faded
    carefully faded


    Our Service Overseer came to our bookstudy and did his routine talk on, "you're not doing enough", "what you are doing isn't quality", "DO MORE, MORE, MORE" in the field service. This talk was especially uncomfortable because our bookstudy was on Saturday morning - so if we didn't stay for the field service meeting directly after the bookstudy, it was pretty conspicuous.

    Anyway, he then stated that we had several people in our congregation who were irregular in service. He then made sure everyone understood what "irregular" meant. He said, this means that these people can't find at least one hour out of their busy lives to devote to Jehovah over the course of three months. Then he proceeded to read the list of names of irregular publishers.

    One of the sisters was there at that bookstudy while her name was read - my mouth was literally hanging open - I couldn't believe what I was hearing - what happened to confidentiality!. Then he read out another older sisters name - this second sister was something like 85 years old at the time and had faithfully devoted more than 50 years of her life - and towards the end when she was sick, bedridden and dying, he points out that she is one of these evil, selfish "inactive" ones. I was literally sick to my stomach.

    This is the same elder who later stated during a public talk, "When armageddon comes, all I can say is God help those of us who are not putting in at least 10 hours per month".

    I was so angry! But now, years later, I am thankful for what he did. I don't know how much longer it would have taken for me to open my eyes and leave - had he not been so outrageously rude and discouraging.

    Can't you feel the love?

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