G'day Friend,
I was in the Organisation for 19 years. I served as an MS for seven years and my family was considered the 'model' to aspire to - dutiful wife, two children regular pioneers, one child regular auxiliary pioneer and youngest child reaching out for baptism. If there was a family item, we got it!
Now, my wife, two sons (one of the regular pioneers and the child reaching out for baptism) and I are OUT!! My two daughters are still in and shunning the rest of us. Haven't really spoken in over a year; haven't seen my older daughter at all.
Yes, it's hard to accept when you realise you've been lied to. It's hard to stomach that the integrity you held yourself is not shown by those in the highest positions. It's hard to take that you won't see the promises made by the Organisation because it's all a pack of lies - it's just a money-making racket. 607 BCE = LIE. 1914 CE = LIE. Governing Body = LIE. 144,000 = LIE. Generation to see these things occur = LIE.
Exiting on realising these lies = FREEDOM! Reading the posts here = COMFORT! Joining in this forum = REAL FRIENDSHIP.
Be joyful at realising that there are literally thousands of us out there. You are most definitely not alone. It IS hard at first, but the pain passes and then you can really start to live. Every time just one person leaves the Organisation its demise is one step closer. For now, just take time to chill out, come here often and read the posts and then, when you're ready, feel free to introduce yourself.
Love to you and your family.
Ian, Claire, Karl & Dominic