Ozzie's Weekend Poll #87 (Remember the Kingdom Songs?)

by ozziepost 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    So how's things been going this weekend?

    For us it was good to catch up with an old friend http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/69086/1.ashx

    The autumn weather days are fine and sunny with a light breeze - and the light is simply gorgeous at this time of year!

    We visited more friends and Mrs Ozzie had a great time shooting pool - she gets quite carried away! You should hear her!

    So, what shall we reminisce about today? Ever wonder about the "Kingdom Songs"? Me too! So, this weekend's poll question is:

    Why are there only seven Kingdom Songs about Jesus?

    but many more about "the Organisation" and "Theocratic Warfare"?

    1. They don't believe in him.

    2. They try to avoid saying his name.

    3. They try to avoid complimenting him.

    4. They try to avoid thanking him.

    5. They try to avoid praising him.

    6. They try to avoid bowing before him.

    7. They try to avoid worshiping him.

    8. They just try to avoid him!

    9. Seven's a complete number!

    10. Other (please detail)

    Makes ya think, eh? What do you think the reason is? Please share your experience with us all.


    Cheers, Ozzie (and Mrs Ozzie's who's just sunk the white....again!!)

  • eyeslice

    I remember a few old song books! Not sure if I can remember any of the old songs that were removed as being too influenced by Christendom.

    Today's song are much more in line with what the Soicety expects; tow the line, do what you are told, don't ask any questions.


  • happehanna

    I really used to like listening to the "Kiss the Son" one, which goes on to "Lest god be angry and you perish in the way" "Happy are all they that put their trust in him today"

    It is shocking that there are only 7 about Him Jesus that is, got my song book out and you are right, of course. Not that I didn't believe you but had to see for myself

    The only saving grace about attending some of the meetings, was the songs, and then not always.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    I can remember in the seventies, in the days before tapes that just played the songs with piano only, we had records that had orchestral accompanyment.

    There was always a couple of musical bars between the second chorus and last verse. One song used to crack me up as it had what sounded like awful Hawaiian music in that bit. Can't remember which song it was, maybe someone else does.

    I can remember getting all the new songs in the early eighties and thinking every one of them was crap. We then had to go to the Kingdom Hall on Saturday nights for weeks just to practice them.

    I don't think at the time I thought it odd that there were so few Kingdom songs about Jesus. What I did think was that Jehovah(tm) must have been a lousy song writer.

  • ozziepost


    Have you heard the Society's CD of Kingdom Songs (vocals)? Now that would crack you up!!!

    It's so bad, it makes Fawlty Towers look sane! (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor)

  • eyeslice


    The song you are thinking of was something like "Our Paradise, Present and Future". Words "gracious Jehovah, God we thank you for our spiritual paradise", ........ "by study, pray and meeting we are aided to be wise", etc.

    I remember when the new songs came out, learning to play a few of them on guitar. But they had awful melodies and a chord change for every note! Give me Beatle songs with only three or four chords for the whole song any day!


  • ozziepost

    "Our Paradise, Present and Future" - wasn't that a dumb name? What does it mean??

  • abbagail

    I am shocked to realize there were only 7 about Jesus! Wow, thanks for bringing that out. You'd think I woulda noticed, as I was one of those "do-gooders" who actually liked the KMs, liked singing them at meetings, and took the KM's and headset to the beach and would listen all day long while getting my fabulous Florida tan! I even knew all the words by heart -- way back then, that is... (worked at night, did the field service weekends or mid-week morning, and always made sure I had at least 2-3 beach days during season).

    The one in Psalms, mentioned above, about Kiss the Son Lest God be Angry... always did love that. Also, "The Scene of this World is Changing" had a nifty tune if I recall correctly.

    But to answer your Q's, why only 7 about Jesus? Hmmmmm.... maybe because it is NOT REALLY "God's" Organization, lol. Just a guess!

    AbbaGail f/k/a GRITS

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's been a long time, I don't remember them.

    I do remember that I used to make up my own versions to provide myself with some light entertainment.

    As I got older they got more and more crass. As long as there were plenty of loud voices around me I could sing my version and get away with it.

  • xjw_b12
    10. Other (please detail)

    They are jealous of him. Jesus was consistant. And according to the bible, he actually had a relationship with Jehovah.

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