About To Read Some Apostate Stuff.

by Corvin 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    I found COC a bit hard of a read. Parts of it were excellent, but he drones on a bit too mcuh for me,. Still, a very essential book. I really found "The Battle for God" by Karen Armstong to be better for me. For while it does not directly even mention JWS, it talks about the history of relijgion and how it evolved. When i saw in print that CT Russel was just another guy at the turn of the century with end of the world theories, wow it was very liberating. It put it all in prespective. I did not leave the "truth" i just left another end of the world religion.

    The 1800-why 1914 line has been helpful. They have some great literature. short reads. I have a bit of a problem concentrating for long periods of time so that is perfect for me.

  • TonyT


    Christian Freedom : Have not read

  • Mary

    I read CoC years ago.......I was in shock because I read it as a Witness. I cried when I read about the fiasco in Malawi, when so many brothers and sisters needlessly died; I was stunned when I read about how they allowed the brothers in Mexico to bribe authorities, all for the Greater Glory of the Borg. I was equally stunned when I read about how they (briefly) considered dropping the whole 1914 crap but decided against it, not because they felt it was right, but because it would make the whole thing unravel. I find this particularly pathetic in light of last weeks WT study which is STILL supporting 607 BCE and 1914 as the center of the universe.

    The book is written without malice and is a remarkable read.

  • Celia

    CoC is a must read for anyone even remotely connected with the JWs.

    ISoCF is great too, there is a chapter in there telling about the effects of shunning.

  • Wallflower


    I read it in a weekend, amazing.

  • Sassy

    I'm just reading CofC now.. SimpleSally borrowed it to me.. I'm not a fast reader though...it is going to take me longer than a weekend..

  • new light
    new light

    Hi Corvin.

    Like you, I ordered both books through the mail and (perhaps like you) thought about them every day until they arrived. I devoured both books within 10 days or so.

    Both books deserve the full , IMO. Of course, I am somewhat biased as I was raised a JW and was so anxious to learn the truth about the Society.

    Even though I am no longer a Christian, I do find ISOCF to be the more interesting of the two books. I am currently re-reading it and it's just as good the second time through. This book breaks down the Society's major doctrines in a logical, irrefutable manner that makes for good ammo in deprogramming friends and family, although I have yet to put it to use on others. Chapter 9 (a complete medical breakdown of the blood doctrine) is invaluable to me, as I never even understood the blood issue as a JW. Ray gives you all his references, too, in case you want to use them yourself.

    These books are of great value to anyone who questions the WTBTS.

  • Satanus

    I read it when i was a jw. What i read in there made me feel sick at first, then freedom. It was all i needed.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Crisis of Conscience is terrific -

    In Search of Christian Freedom has excellent research and reasoning that help one get past some of the Watchtower teachings hangups -

  • Maverick

    Point of fact is that CoC and ISoCF are not apostate material. The WatchTower and Awake, now THAT's apostate material! Maverick

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