Another book every ex-JW should read is Apocolypse Delayed by Jim Penton.
About To Read Some Apostate Stuff.
by Corvin 31 Replies latest jw friends
Both books are well worth your time to read! It did not leave me feeling any less of a Christian, it just made me realize what we have always been taught...Jer.10:23. If you were following an organization I can see how your faith might not survive. But if you are interested in serving God in truth then these books certainly help you in that regard. I find it so sad that so many people have lost their faith. It seems that we weren't given the necessary tools to keep our faith under any trials and circumstances and yet that is exactly what 1 Pet.1:7 plainly states that we need to do. God is not at fault, he hasn't changed, only the many changes of the Watchtower. Is this our remain firmly resolved to worship him, no matter what challenges we have to face? It reminds me of Daniel and the three Hebrews not bowing down to Nebuchadnezzar and standing up for what is right in the midst of thousands of people. We've already had to endure so much being in this religion and now this? Surely, something good has to come our way for our refusal to bow down to the apostate idol!
Also remember that the Hebrews were away from their place of worship and still remained faithful. Hope that helps. One thing that I noticed right away was that I decided to read the Bible and not put the Society's slant on it. I tried to free my mind from the things I had been taught that it meant. It was reading it for the first time. Hope you have the same experience.