Anyone plan on doing their own Celebration of the Passover?

by LyinEyes 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I have not been to the Memorial in two years, or set foot back in the KH.

    I am thinking this year I may take some time to do a little something with wine and bread to celebrate the Passover with my immediate family. I am doing this for my children as well as myself, as they are still believers .

    My youngest son said as we were going past the KH, and making fun of it,,,,,,,,," don't do that Kelly( my sarcassitc daughter) ,,,,,,,because Jehovah lives there".

    I guess in his heart he hasnt shed all the JW feelings as much as the rest of the family has,,,,,,,he is just 9 yrs old.

    I for the most part do believe in Jesus and I am working on building my own faith, in my own time frame.

    I don't want to go to church,,,,,,,the one here, has too many rules,,,,,,,,First Baptist, you can't drink, Pentacostal church you can't wear pants or makeup , jewelry,etc. So I havent found a place I would even set foot in right now. Not in my area anyway.

    So I guess I will do this to show my son, that no matter where you are, what building you are in, a church , or your home, that Jesus loves you wherever you are.

    Do any of you , plan on doing something like this on your own?

  • wednesday

    In the area i'm in too, it is a little limted, religion wise. There are no close nondenomanational churches(probably not spelled correctly) And even some of them believe in hell, which is a definite NO for me. I did find one using a net site called flockfinder. but the church is too far. Mostly have Baptist and Church of christ. I have some net pals who tell me COC is as legalistic as JWS.

    I assume my hubby and i will attend the memorial. We havent' been invited, but i have the calender, and can just call for the time. my poor husband is grasping at straws, hoping still to find acceptance there. He is not at the point of having his own service. I would love to do it. We could play that tape"The trial of jesus" and then offer some comments on jesus scarafice, what it means to us.

    I think it is a lovey idea.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Do any of you , plan on doing something like this on your own?

    Well, I've never been a JW, but my JW friend sent me a ticket to attend the memorial. We've already had discussions about the communion. I told my friend that I take communion about once a month, and I believe that when you die you go to heaven. Sooo, as a surprise, at the Memorial, since I DO have a "heavenly hope" , I intend to take the bread and wine, and plead ignorance (hehe.... can't wait to get a look on their faces). If anyone thinks that is inappropriate, please let me know... I don't want to offend anyone.

  • LyinEyes

    Wednesday , that is a good idea, to talk with the family about what Jesus went thru the hours before he died for our sins. I am going to see what my husband thinks about this. I am not sure if he is a believer , I dont think he knows for sure either.

    Double Edge,,,,, I will like to know what their reaction will be also.......but drink fast and eat fast,,,,,that way they can't stop you. Because if you are new there , they will tell you not to drink and eat unless you are of the heavenly class. Tell them you understand. Then like I said, they will be standing right there by you watching, so they will pass the bread first,,,,,,,you will probably get a bite of that if you are fast. They may say something to you when the wine is passed,,,,,,,but again,,,,,,,drink

    I have no idea if it is offensive to anyone,,,,,,,,I think it is what the JW's need to see more of.

    What I do know is that it is offensive to all those that Jesus died for, to be denied the right to honor him for what he went thru,,,,even if we have no idea where we are going when we die. The point of the Passover to me is , that Jesus said to do it in rememberance of Him, and that should be the main point.

    But all of the JW talks at the Memorial will talk about Jesus,,,,,,,,but they give most of the honor to Jehovah for sending his Son. You will see what I am talking about when you go. Not even one night of the year were we ever allowed to worship Jesus , or give him excessive praise as the JW's would put it, as if it were taking something away from Jehovah God.

  • blondie

    We celebrated at home on our own last year, with red wine and unleavened bread (from the kosher store). We read the Gospel accounts and discussed what had happened up to that event, what happened shortly after and what meaning it has for Christians. We are going to call the local synagogue and see if we can attend/observe an interfaith event on the night of April 5, when Jews will be celebrating the passover.

    Blondie and Irrev

  • Princess

    No passover celebration here.

    So I guess I will do this to show my son, that no matter where you are, what building you are in, a church , or your home, that Jesus loves you wherever you are.

    I hope you are able to get that across to him. I feel for people who think they need a building (we just call it the "God Box") to worship. My kids are five and seven and it's still a bit confusing to them that other people go to church and we don't. We try to explain but for the most part it will have to wait until they are a bit older. They do know about the "bad" church in town where we used to go before they were born.


  • Mulan
    They do know about the "bad" church in town where we used to go before they were born.

    I love that!!

    Dave and I will not be doing anything. If we thought it was important, and we do not, we would definitely NOT do it at the KH. They are the last place on earth I would put myself EVER!!

  • LyinEyes

    LOL Princess,,,,,,,,,,the other part of the story when we past the KH when my son said that,,, is even funnier. My 11 yr old daughter who gets being a real smart ass naturally , said........" well I know God doesn't live there, but I am pretty sure Satan does". We had to laugh at that one. She hates the KH , she hated every meeting, she screamed as if she had demons herself the first 3 yrs of her life. I can say that for many years since she was born, I was in the bathroom with her, or outside.

    She was so bad one night I wanted to choak her or myself........ she was beign a total brat. I took her out to play in the back of the truck,,,,,you know let the demon lose kind of thing. I noticed that my hubby had his ice chest still back there.......hummm,,,,,I wonder if there was any beer left????

    You bet I did!!!!!!!! I cracked open a Bud Lite and drank it down,,,,,hiding in the cab!!!!!!!! Well the daughter was happy, she was running in circles, and Mom was a little more mellow...hehe.

  • LittleToe

    Aye, I'll be celebrating it at home, possibly online with friends

    But then you can do that any time of the year, regardless. I usually go to several "communion" services a year, to share in the breaking of bread.

    Plain good red wine and "Carr's Water Biscuits" are as good as anything, if you really want to get into the whole symbolism thing (cheese is a nice addition, but not exactly biblical - LOL).

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    I'll be going to the Easter Vigil where I'll receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. It'll be all night on the 10th of April. The 4th of April is the Palm Sunday of Our Lord's Passion; I don't know how the wt does the dates considering that the Jewish Passover is a few days after the JW "memorial" date.

    "Take and eat. This is my body."

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