The backstory: my Mom became JW when she was young (early 20s, I think). My Dad is an Elder and has been for years. I had opportunity to mention the UN thing via telephone a couple of times over the last couple years, always "buying out the opportune time," and encouraged my Mom to check it out herself.
Of course, she didn't bother to check out anything. Maybe too much to deal with, maybe too unbelievable. She did strongly agree that IF it is true it is significant. Eventually, she did see something on the web (I think it was my site, actually, after I challenged her to find even one thing on my site they she could justify asking me to remove, in response to her asking me to "just take down my website" and giving me a guilt trip about by site and my dad's heart & triple bypass). She seemed a little more moved, but still not convinced. "Your dad said, IF it is true, that's the biggest BOO-BOO he's ever heard of." (i.e. a combination of denial, and minimalization).
On the phone last Saturday, she said "I just don't know who to ask about that. If I call Bethel, they will tell me to ask [my elder husband] after all, [Dad's name removed] is an elder."
So, being the helpful and loving son that I am, I told her about the letter at the UN website, and offered to mail her a copy along with instructions so she could verify and download a copy herself.
I hand wrote the following letter and will put it in today's post:
March 30, 2004Dear Mom,
I have enclosed the document from the U.N.'s website concerning Watchtower Society's nine years of official "N.G.O." status with the U.N. The fact that this document appears at an official, authoritative source is important: this is more than mere rumour or speculation.
Don't take my word for it, though. Go to the library, use the internet computer to find it yourself. I have included "How to Retrieve..." insturctions (important only to help navigate the huge U.N. website).
I would really like to know Watchtower's true reason for this (because frankly, I can't think of anything which would justify this). See what Brooklyn explains to you & let me know. (The ph.# I have is Watchtower "Office of Public Information" 1-718-560-5600, but maybe you have a better number, this one is for press reporters; maybe they can redirect you?)
Before calling, consider Watchtower June 1st 1991 pg.15-20; paragraph 11 seems to speak negatively about the Catholic Church for it's relations with the U.N., but those relations are, in fact, as "N.G.O." assoications. (You have to go to the book quoted in paragraph 11 to see this, though).
I'm not telling you what to do, but I think this possible "wrongdoing" should be investigated, just the same as any other case of "wrongdoing". The rules about, say, smoking, blood use, or NEUTRALITY apply equally to all, don't they? Dad is an Elder, and has a responsibility & obligation in these matters.
Let me know what you find out,
Oh, and I'll include the June 1st 1991 Watchtower (printed out from WT 1999 CD Library).
Of course, if I get a response to this, I will post it!