What great timing! The dub here at work just got the UN letter from their website. She put it on my desk and said:
"Is this what you meant, what Sister Elder's Wife told you?"
Me: "Yeah, that's it. Wow, 9 years they were associated with the UN."
Her: "But at least they did the right thing by getting out, so that's good."
Me: "Problem is, the Society would write stuff condemning other religions about their association with the UN, you know..."
Her: "Yeah, being a harlot. But the Society's out now."
Me: "Boy, I hope the brothers in Cuba never hear of this. Or other places where they've been imprisoned and tortured for .."
Her: "I know, for even less than what the Society did."
Me, reading article: "Oh look, it says here that by their acceptance, the Society had to "support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations ..." she cuts me off.
Her: "No, no, don't tell me anymore I don't think I want to hear it." She walks away from my desk.