That's why I can see "Irresistable Grace" from an experiential perspective.
...I struggled greatly with Jesus/God issue, but as I grew as a Christian and studying the Bible became a daily passion one starts to understand what the Bible presents to you. Or what the Bible teaches while not contradicting itself.
My experience was similar.
I'll iterate the steps I went though, after "conversion" (albeit in very simple form, and in accord with my poor memory):
- Jesus is "more" than I was taught
- Jesus is "Divine"
- Jesus holds titles and powers which are in common with "the Father" eg Creator, Mighty God, First and Last
- The "Holy Spirit" is related to as a person
- All three are "Spirit", and have instances of being refered to as "God"
- Just as there are different kinds or orders of "flesh" (animal, human, etc) so there are different orders of spirit (Angels, "God", etc.)
- Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinct from other "spiritkind" - they are "God-kind", just as we are "human-kind" (Polytheistic, I know - I struggled with that one for a little while)
- All three are involved in our prayers, wherever we are
- All three, logically, must be able to be everywhere simultaniously (Omnipresent), at the same time
- Since all three occupy the same time/space, and are evidently all refered to as "God" make the link...
- All three are involved "in" the believer
I'm also in broad agreement with the Doctrine of the Tri-Part man.
You might want to ask Herk if he's been "born-again", or had an encounter with the "Holy Spirit". Last time I badgered him about that he declined to answer, in his own inimicable style.
Link:My understanding (which I believe is supported by experimental faith) is that once we come into that relationship, the "Holy Spirit" then gradually enlightens the mind.
For that purpose, I often state that things are my "current" position.
I believe it's an emotive issue because people stop applying "love", tolerance, and understanding.
IMHO it is the immature believer that cannot accept that others are just at a different point on the road from themselves. For that reason we can hopefully forgive them their piques of fit (as hopefully I am forgiven for mine - for I am but a "lamb" on the weary path).
Another reason might be that some never had such "Spirit" in the first place
One popular misconception (again IMHO) is that Heb.4:12 only refers to the written "word", AKA the bible, rather than the "Word", or Christ. I'll leave you to make the connection.