Did You Ever Wish That The Truth Wasn't True?

by Englishman 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I did.

    There wasn't any aspect of JWism that I actually really enjoyed apart from the "apres ski" when the meeting had ended.

    Meetings bored me silly.

    I couldn't abide door to door work.

    I never studied voluntarily, just a 5 minute skim the through the Watchtower before the meeting started.

    Worst experience ever was door-knocking on Christmas morning. God, I hated that!

    As for the restrictions as to what you could and couldn't do....ye gods!

    How about you? Did you actually enjoy being a witness?


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    The only time I really hated the truth was when my Father gave me a ulitimatum to stay in his house and pioneer or leave. This was after my nightmare at Bethel. I just couldn't do it anymore so I had to leave home, at 20 with no real education, job experience, life experience. So you can imagine being raised a Dub and going out into the world what kind of trouble I was headed into.

    After two years I was a drug addicted homeless lost soul and my parents take me in after making me confess my sins to the local elder body for a quick course in Disfellowshipping 101. After 6 months I leave the roost again because my Father wants me to sit in on the Watchtower studies per the Circuit Overseer who sayed its ok for df'd family members to sit in on studies, just not to participate.

    I ran out of that house so fast and back to drugs all because of this crazy cult which destroyed my relationship with my parents and my only friends in the Kingdom Hall.

  • drnewson

    I enjoy being a Witness.

    Meetings are boring, but better than nothing and needs to be improved.

    Field service can be improved.

    The restrictions are not a problems as those are things we should not be doing anyway.

    I would enjoy it better if all the worldly people were God's people.

  • avishai

    Truth is truth, it does'nt change. The "Truth" tm changes all the time, Therefore, it's a crock of shit.

  • Soledad

    That thought never consciously entered my mind. I often wondered what if I weren't a JW? What if the rest of the world were JWs?

    The last thought scared me more than the first one.

    Englishman: still routinely speaking the Pure Language are ya?

  • greatcrowd

    The reverse was the case with me. "The truth" was such a sweet opium for me that when I realized that it was a construct (a bad one), I became disillusioned. Some time I wish I took the "blue pill" instead, so that I could wallow in the soothing doctrine of the watchtower. There were many days my friends and I fantasize about the beauty and peace of the "new world". Unfortunately, eating from the tree of knowledge doesnt always lead to happiness. It appears that the various constructs that make up life are necessary to give a sense of order and certainty that may lead to some sort of satisfaction.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I hated being a witness. I hated being a witness. I hated being a witness. I hated being a witness. I hated being a witness. I hated being a witness. I hated being a witness. It wasn't for me............I hated being a witness

    An unhappy Strawberryfieldsforever

  • avishai
    Some time I wish I took the "blue pill" instead, so that I could wallow in the soothing doctrine of the watchtower. There were many days my friends and I fantasize about the beauty and peace of the "new world". Unfortunately, eating from the tree of knowledge doesnt always lead to happiness. It appears that the various constructs that make up life are necessary to give a sense of order and certainty that may lead to some sort of satisfaction.

  • avishai


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Yes, when I was first studying, and I came to the (false) realization that JWs had the "truth" I was very disappointed, filled with a mild form of dread. I didn't want it to be the truth. Wished I had never studied, because now that I "knew" I was obligated to "do the right thing" and "serve" Jehovah, a god I didn't love and couldn't love.

    So, when I truly realized 32 years later that Jehovah's Witnesses do not in any way have the truth, and that I had made a disastrously uninformed decision in my youth, I was full of relief. It was not an unhappy time for me, it was a wonderful time. That's when my life long depression finally lifted.


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