The troll is on the board to create wreak havoc or cause shit. They?re either a member of the board under a different name, or from a ?rival? board looking to sting the ?enemy?. The troll will post deliberately controversial topics" (like ?you're all really unfriendly? or ?all XJWs are trolls?) to try and get a reaction. A successful troll will get members of a board arguing amongst themselves, though usually the troll is a witless 15 year old school kid with too much time on their hands during half term.
Sometimes confused with the asshole, who aims to abuse and offend. They usually only have a few insulting phrases in their vocabulary, which they repeat over and over again until they?re either embarrassed into leaving, or when their mother says it?s time for a bath.
(borrowed from, which I thought was pretty funny)
He's just waiting to see how many suckers he can lure in to this one.