sounds like somebody is short on fieldservice time, it being the last day of the month. You only have a few hours left today to make 10 hours! better hurry...
by drnewson 31 Replies latest jw friends
I don't posess any elders so the answer is no.
"Do My Congregation's overseers know I'm posting here" would be the proper question, but
you apostates are too stupid for proper grammar.
They are called Elders in the congregation.
The word is possess not posess.
Apostates stupid....hmmm no, most are very intelligent. Many have degrees. Some are writers, artists, businessmen and women so your assumption as you know makes an ass out of you.
One entry found for possess.
Main Entry: pos·sess
Pronunciation: p&-'zes also -'ses
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French possesser to have possession of, take possession of, from Latin possessus, past participle of possidEre, from potis able, having the power + sedEre to sit -- more at POTENT, SIT
1 a : to have and hold as property : OWN b : to have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill
2 a : to take into one's possession b : to enter into and control firmly : DOMINATE <was possessed by demons> c : to bring or cause to fall under the influence, possession , or control of some emotional or intellectual reaction <melancholy possesses her>
3 a obsolete : to instate as owner b : to make the owner or holder -- used in passive construction to indicate simple possession <possessed of riches> <possessed of knowledge and experience>
- pos·ses·sor noun -
Hey Pal, A true friend will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. So consider ME your best friend! Maverick
TROLL , you're bridge is calling.
Should we tell this person that friendships OUTSIDE the WTS are not conditional upon being a JW or not?
I think that the majority of people on this site are honest about who they are. The vast majority have suffered under the dictatorship of the WTBTS and have now escaped. We have come here for a bit of group support and understanding, which can only be offered by others who have experinced a similiar plight. We toss our ideas around--agree most of the time, but not always--but that is OK too. Sometimes we argue and can even get into heated debates, but that is OK too because the majority here now believe in unconditional love... REMEMBER being a friend of the WT Org is only base on your service to the Organization (condtional love)--if the WT can't use you enough they toss you away like rubbish...If those are the kind of friends you want then I pity you.
Lame?????? That's an interesting analogy from someone who probably thinks sitting around at a congregation picnic singing kingdom melodies is a good time, and spitirually refreshing. You probably will do anything the Society asks you to (except for coming on this site.) By the way, have you read this weeks Watchtower lesson??.... Maybe you should.! I did, and I think the part about not listening to lies and deception apply perfectly to the Society. Think about it.
If you don't like the cooking then get out of the kitchen...or is it if it's too hot in the kitchen get out of the kitchen...or is it if you complain about the cooking then do it yourself. I don't know. Arghhhhhhhhh....I can't believe I'm even replying to this thread. Not much else to do I guess.
I wasn't going to bother commenting, since everyone here is so eloquent. But I'm a bit of a grammar and spelling FIEND, so decided to take the opportunity to point out the other spelling mistake made by the one denouncing others' grammar.
See if you can guess which word was misspelled that I've highlighted. ;)
carefully faded
Yes, I picked up on the spelling error and another grammatical error:
You all don't sound like friends of mine. Nor ones I want to be friends with.
You sound like feinds not friends. Friends are nice. You are not nice.
Drnewson . . .
- "Nor ones I want to be friends with." For someone who thinks their grammar is good enough to correct others, you should know, you never, ever, ever end a sentence with a prepositional phrase. The proper way to write this sentence would have been, "Nor ones with which I want to be friends".
- Fiends is spelled incorrectly. . . "I" before "E" except after "C"
If you would like to keep posting here, I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind taking the time to teach you proper grammar.