I can tell from your post that you are being tossed about and are really emotional about your life circumstances.
The bottom line, no matter what, is to weigh the pro's and con's of a decision. As far as any religious belief system, that is your personal choice. Your child deserves to be raised with love and caring, and that can be accomplished without marital ties or becoming baptized in a religion you are obviously having doubts about. You can do this, and your child can still have a relationship with the father.
No one here is going to give you the go ahead to get involved with the JW's, because we have discovered for ourselves, through much pain and suffering emotionally that this belief system takes away "self" and the rules and regulations are from a group of people, not from "god". Some folks like to have their life laid out on a platter, so they know what to do with every single area of their life, down to the most private of matters, and they are quite happy doing that. The thing is, if you ever simply want to "leave", you are labeled and shunned, and you end up losing friends and family. That's like blackmail. Certainly not the love and compassion we should be showing each other. Some choices cost more than others. You must weight the cost on this one.
Reading the fine print in life does save us heartache; however, it is through our own journey of experiences that we truly learn and ultimately find our way.
I wish you the best in whatever choice you make.