i just called Wallgreens and talked to the pharmacist. she told me it is true a pharmicist can refuse to fill a script, but generally better have a darn good reason for doing it. Religious beliefs are not a reason. The pharmacist in question, (that refused to fill the bc pills) said he would not fill the BC pills b/c "they cause cancer" He changed his story b/c of media presure. She agreed that had to be a CYA b/c that is just crazy. She also told me that recently Eckerds fired in Denton 3 pharmacists from the same pharmacy b/c they refused to fill the morning after pill to a rape victim . Eckerds has a policy that u must not refuse to fill meds and if u do u will be fired. U have to sign this agreement before u go to work for them.
She agreed, if walllgreens itself did not supply the abortion or morning after pill, then no problem but if they did, refusl to fill it is not ok. and she too agreed that if u feel that strongly about this, u need to find another job.
on a amusing side note, she did say however, she hated cigs and wished she could refuse to sell them.
Yeru, i am not on the side of abortion, i am personally against it. That is why i would never go to a family planning clinic or abortion clinic and seek employment. To do so would be crazy. I do not however try to interfere with the rights of others who want an abortion.However, i would not refuse to care for a patient who had an abortion or no would i refuse to adminster the pill , as a nurse. It is not my job to make those decisions for others.
The problem with another pharmacist filling the script, rarely would u have 2 pharmacists there at the same time. I suppose an arrangemt could be worked out where u could call another pahrmacist and ask for help. However, as i said with blood transfusions, it just never really works out. I am not going to risk losing my license over it. So i worked in an area that was bloodless.
It appears since this pharmacist has said he did it b/c "they cause cancer" he is CYA and probably won't do that again.