believe that the pharmacy has the right to refuse an RX, just as a JW landlord has a right not to allow Christmas decorations in their building, a Christian Scientist refusing to give CPR to a man on the street and how a Mormon resteraunt owner has the right not to serve his patrons coffee, even if the patron demands it. However, that doesn't mean that they're sane or that their right to disservice a customer whenever there's a clash between their dogma and the reasonable request of another person is scrupulous
yes, if u own the place, u can refuse to sell whatever u want. But that means for a pharmacey, u woud not stock it. (so it is a moot question) And if i come in and find u stock condoms and other things like that, u can bet i will sue u.
Anyone can refuse anythig, but generally people tell u up front they don't do WHATEVER and then u make your decision if u want to do busness there. In the cases u mention, the landlord would need to inform the tenents before moviing in or he could be sued.
I was telling sixty, we had and still do have JW doctors in this area. They mostly have JW patients. Thye tell people upfront they don't give blood transfusions. If the patient has a problem with it, they find another doc. They don't wait until u are the hospital and then say"oh by the way, u know i dont order blood transfusions, i'm afraid you'll have to die b/c of my religious beliefs" The patient would sue and most likely the doc would lose his license. It is that serious. And patients are supposed to tell their doc if they ar not willing to accept certain procedures, ie blood, or u may find your doc signing off your case .
Interesting, refusing to do CPR-i know as a nurse, i cannot refuse to do that, b/c if it became known i was at the scene of the accident and did not render reasonable aide, i could, and most likey would lose my llicense. Other people, not sure. I guess u can't force someone to be a good samaratain, (sp) but aren';t there laws now in this regard about refusal to render aide?
This is an interesting subject and one jws deal with daily. This prevents many of them from going into certain careers. U can't impose your religous beliefs on others. Esp if u have a public trust job. (lie a doc nurse judge etc) If people could do that, imagine checking out at Eckerds, u might not be able to buy things from the store b/cthe clerk has objections to it. This is different form the local ekerds store that puts a clear sign outside that says"we do not sell cigs"