Would you ever shun?

by ozziepost 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    Well, would you?

    I was asked that question today, or words just like it, is it ever right for a christian to shun?

    Don't the scriptures instruct it?

    Well, what would your answer be? Do you ever shun? Would you? Why?

    Cheers, Ozzie (freedom seekers class)

    Blessed are the bewildered - for they won't notice!

  • Joyzabel

    How can you "love your neighbor as yourself" and practice shunning?

    Aren't we even commanded to love our enemies?

    How do you love when you shun?

  • Dansk


    I shun JWs - but only because I know they'd shun me. I never knew what shunning was 'til I became a JW. That says it all!


  • blondie

    I don't know that I would get too chummy with a child molester.


  • mineralogist

    What scriptures instruct shunning? Those "bible-based" presented by WTS?

    So - no i wouldn't do it. (I have to add: anymore)

  • Yerusalyim

    I would...and have...shunned people...but not on the model of the WTS. There are right ways and wrong ways to do this...and it makes common sense...

    Shunning a pedophile is a good thing.

    I'm not having an unrepentent drug dealer to my house for dinner either...even if he is my brother.

    On the other hand, just because my brother became a Presbyterian instead of remaining Catholic...we still pray together, etc. No call for shunning there...or my sister that left the church all together...we didn't treat her any different...she's now a good Catholic gal again.

  • Mulan

    What Joy said, sounds like the Christian way to me. But, I avoid (not really shunning) having to talk to some people if I see them before they see me. Usually it's just because I don't want to take the time to deal with people who are irritating to talk to. And I am quite sure I would shun a pedophile.

  • shera

    Well,I wouldn't shun people,but like blondie said,I wouldn't have anything to do with a child molester and a rapist.I just watch who I have in my company.

    If someone is a serious drug addict and they were hurtful to other people,I would show love but be tough about it,until they cleaned up their lives.Other wise I wouldn't "hang" with that person.I would never turn my back on my children,always be there and love them.If they hurt another child when older,I would have problems with that but as a parent I would always love.

  • RevMalk

    never would and proud to say I never have.

    but is it possible under certain circumstances God would require it? Sure, if there is a God.

    But until such time as God shows me the "Truth" I couldn't possibly.

    And the circumstances would have to be quite extreme for me to swallow it.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I wouldn't shun anyone, but make sure to keep my boundaries very well defined. When it comes to people who are destructive to me or my family, I just don't associate with them.


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