Opening myself up to a lot of criticism...but here goes.
I guess I'm getting more cynical...and losing hope in society in's what bothers me.
When I was a kid back in the 1970's I could walk out the door in the morning...and not come home until supper...and I was safe. Those days are long gone.
As I've stated before...society has become oversexualized...and has lost it's moral compass. Sex sells everything...and casual sex now accepted as the norm. More and more the old joke that the definition of a virgin is an ugly third grader seems to be true. The moral outrage at Janet's exposed breast encouraged me a little, but that she thought she could get away with that at all is a sign of what's wrong.
Don't get me wrong...on pay channels...Do whatever you want...but the broadcast networks should be a little more puritanical.
I wish we could just combine what was good with the mid 1900's with what's good now. It's great that racism is on it's way out the's a shame that the courts have invented the "right" of a 12 year old to have an abortion without even informing the parents.
We want to teach our kids to put condoms on...but not to keep their pants on.
Personal responsibility seems to be going out the door...It must be someone elses fault if anything bad happens. Get fat...sue McDonalds...get cancer...sue Phillip Morris...spill hot coffee...sue McDonalds...get shot...sue the gun manufacturer. Babies have become choices...marriages viewed as temporary living arrangements...and the traditional family scorned.
It's great that violence and prejudice against gays is waning...and sad that the militant few in the gay community would redefine marriage so as to render it meaningless.
The helping hand we offered in the great depression has become a demanded...and pandered...entitlement...and God forbid anyone suggest community service of any type in exchange for the helping hand.
Activist judges have twisted the constitution so out of shape as to be meaningless...the idea that "freedom of speech and the press" would be construed to protected obsenity...would have outraged the founding fathers...the idea that congress not making laws establishing a religion or prohibiting it's free exercise would be construed as a freedom FROM religion is a shame.
We've the west...too concerned about self...we are self possessed consumers...and it's made for a great economy...but quality of life is many of you know your neighbors...really know them?
There was a time in this nation when neighbors took care of each other. If I did something wrong and the neighbor saw it...I might have gotten a swat by them...for sure I would have been lectured...and I know my parents would have been informed by phone before I got days kids cuss out teachers...and it's called free speech.
I realise this has been a ramble of complaints sorry
Let's have a country where people are not harrassed for having a particular faith...but that the faith of the nation can be freely expressed.
Defend the traditional family which is the building block of society while protecting the rights of those who don't fit that definition...but don't redefine the traditional family. Kids are better off in a home with two loving parents than in any other situation...yes, I know...not all parents are loving...but...all else being are better of with a loving and involved mom and dad than in any other situation.
Restore a sense of decency...put all the porn you want to on pay tv...sell it...and let it be played on satelite radio...but keep the broadcast airways kid safe.
Restore a sense of personal's not the dress or shirt making you look's the 12 twinkies a day you stuff in your's not my mom and dad's fault I'm an's mine.
Teach kids to keep their pants on before teaching them to put condoms on...
Reserve abortion for medical necessity...not convenience...
Help people that need it...but make them help themselves money means more to me that I earn than the money I inherit...or that is given me by the government.
that's all for now...back to your regular program.