Can you really even think of anything?
The Bad In Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Minimus You Bad
Yup. Everything.
Doubtfully Yours
Too many boring, redundant meetings.
Two large gatherings too many. One 2-day assembly per year is more than enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and this shunning practice HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Secrecy. Demanding that violent sexual predators go door-to-door. Shaming children. Threatening them with phrases like "It's a good thing that this is'nt ancient Israel, you'd have been dead by now!!!"
Isolation from family members
withholding medical treatment, i.e, vaccinations, transplants and transfusions due to misreading of arcahic city codes.
Forcing people to stay in abusive relationships.
Making children stay in abusive homes, or allowing them to continually be abused.
Breaking mandatory reporting laws.
Setting men with no training, often having not even a high school education, up as the only spiritual/psychological/psychiatric counselours available, (see withholding medical treatment)
False prophecy, leading to people to sell all of their hard earned stuff, as in 1975
Strict guidelines on education. Many people just coming in in 1973-1975 left college.
Too many more to list.
separation of parents and children and friends because of disfellowshipping.
The more I search for my own spiritual balance, the more I see that what was totaly damaging about the JW religion is how they totally remove your connection to the divine source. Not only is Jesus not your personal mediator (only for the anointed), you are not to trust your own mind and heart (very treacherous, who can trust it). You need to rely on their interpretation of what is pleasing to God.
I no longer consider myself a Christian, but I think there are "truths" in many different sources. "The kindom is within you" is for me the greatest truth Jesus spoke.
They make you feel guilty over everything---even things you shouldn't feel guilt over.
The Forever Feeling Guilty Theology