The Bad In Jehovah's Witnesses

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gerard

    Let people die before before having a transplant/vaccination/blood transfusion = MURDER.

  • kls

    Unless you are one of them and think like them and controlled like them , they will treat you like you are the crap they stepped in while in field service.

  • minimus

    They just cannot see that they could be wrong. And therefore they screw their lives up as well as everyone else's they can get their hands on.

  • minimus

    Where's Scooby????????????

  • heathen

    They are petty cheezy and pushy . They think their sh@t don't stink . Everything is wrong with everybody else but nothing they need to confess to anybody . They force people to wear sport coats and ties and sell magazines . They can't even perform the memorial supper ritual properly with out being anal and petty .

  • minimus

    Based upon the few responses, it seems there's not that much bad with JWs afterall!

  • blondie

    min, I try not to think of all or any JWs as bad unless they prove otherwise. Some are truly ignorant. Most have no say in the policies/doctrines that are taught. But the ones that are not ignorant and knowingly share untruths and lie to protect themselves and the organization....

    I have been reading recently about the German people and how various ones reacted to the Nazi regime and its policies. Some stood up, some were fooled, some were afraid for awhile but stood up, some were afraid and lived a living death of fear.


  • Maverick

    I have come to believe that God wants us to leave this Earth in better shape than we found it. So using that criteria I would have to say, as a group, Jehovah's Witlesses are bad. They do more harm than they do good. Maverick

  • little witch
    little witch

    On the business end,

    false advertising

    pyramid schemes

    predatory lending

    tax fraud

    fraud on the courts

    using stress and diress to elicite funds

    purjury,lying under oath

    kick backs

    On the human spiritual side;

    invasion of privacy



    dividing families

    encouraging physical abuse

    encouraging sexual abuse

    encouraging emotional abuse

    murder by proxy

    violating human rights

    aiding and abetting criminal behavior

    creating divorce and disharmony within families

    causing mental and emotional harm and refusal to allow medical introvention

    displacing the natural order of families

    displacing the spriritual order of families


    creating fear in members


    violations constitutional rights (freedom of speech, religion, press etc)

    I could just go on and on.

  • ScoobySnax

    I'm here Minimus.........just watching !

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