policy changed?

by pudd 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • pudd

    Please forgive my ignorance on this matter, but I have been informed that the society have now changed their polices on accusations of child abuse and now will go to the police if there are any allegations made. Even without the 2-witness thing.

    If this is true it takes nothing away from their past guilt but I was wondering if it is actually the case that the rules have changed or was I being fobbed off?



  • blondie

    Pudd, I consider their statements like the information about it being okay to vote now.


  • gumby
    I have been informed that the society have now changed their polices on accusations of child abuse and now will go to the police if there are any allegations made. Even without the 2-witness thing.

    They go to the police ONLY if that particular state demands that they do.........and the society's Legal Dept. tells them to.

    The other problems are this,

    1. The perpetrator STILL gets off the hook if he denies the allegations as far as his standing in the congregation.

    2. The victim and any involved, will be punished by the congregation if they pursue the matter apart from the elders. In other words......if the perpetrator denies the claims and the elders have dropped the matter......then the victim or those siding with the victim........will come under congregation assault

    if they pursue the matter further.


  • cruzanheart

    I don't care what they SAY -- what they DO shows their true motives.


  • Elsewhere
    I don't care what they SAY -- what they DO shows their true motives.

    Actions speak louder than words! It is one thing to write a "policy"... it is another to actually follow through with the word and spirit of the policy.

  • little witch
    little witch

    You know what really chaps my butt about the molestation issue?

    It is that even IF, even IF, the society turned in the scoundrels, they are still let back into the congregation as welcomed members.

    Someone who smokes ciggarettes or has sex outside of marriage is considered a pariah and viewed with more suspicion than a pedaphile.

    An elder will speak condemnation publically to slander and punish someone for a multitude of reasons, but if a child abuser is accused, it is kept hush hush....

    Not suprising considering the rule makers are known for protecting their own sexual interests.

    How odd that a smoker of ciggarettes need not be viewed by two witnesses in order to be booted, but a child abuser is afforded a very simple out. "Do it, but don't get caught". GRRRRRRRR

  • pudd
    They go to the police ONLY if that particular state demands that they do.........and the society's Legal Dept. tells them to.

    Yes I remember that now from when I first started reserching this.

    Sorry I forgot that the rules are different depending on where you live.

    In the U.K. I believe the policy was that a person had "the absolute right" to go to the police, now I am being told that they have the "absolute responsability" to do so.

    The trouble is, even if this is true, (which I am still unsure about) I do know that not all elders are aware of it.

    I have found over and over again that it all depends who you ask as to what answer you get!

    Even though I no longer take my children to meetings(or go myself!) I still worry about the many children who are still at risk. That is why I keep an eye on the developments.

    I am also wondering if the elder who told me this change had taken place was just trying to get me back to meetings.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Pudd dear, you know the routine. Directives originate in NYC with the g.b.

    All "food is at the proper time" meaning, if it aint in the watchtower, It aint so.

    Someone is pulling your leg.

  • blondie

    I would like to point out that children are not safe from abuse just because they no longer attend JW meetings. The vast majority of child abusers are not JWs and can be in any religious group as well as other venues. That is what I learned going to the Silentlambs Summit. The problem is widespread. It is just as ex-JWs, people here have a unique knowledge of the internal workings of the WTS. I'm happy to see SL join with groups like Linkup and SNAP who have been fighting clergy sexual abuse for many years and see it all religions. Additionally, pedophiles can be found in the school system, judicial and law enforcement system, sports organizations, anywhere they can have easy access to children. In the US 60 percent of pedophiles are either parents or stepparents. Safety is important; be aware of all the place pedophiles can be found.


  • avishai
    It is that even IF, even IF, the society turned in the scoundrels, they are still let back into the congregation as welcomed members.

    They can let 'em in, I don't have a problem with that. As long as they have an armed guard with them at all times. It's making them go in field service that pisses me off. "They can't go alone in service" says the society. Well, these pedophile's often work together. Who's to say that who gets sent with them is'nt a child molester that has'nt gotten caught? Right, no-one. They suck. Pedo's are'nt given priveleges in the cong., they say. So? Neither are women. Big deal. It's all red herring bullshit that they can throw at those on the outside that have no understanding of the inner workings of the religion.


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