I do have a problem with them allowing them to stay in as compared to other "sinful persons" they are a protected class.
A witness believes that no harm can come to them, they are in jehovahs house (no kingdom halls are touched by tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes etc) they really do believe this theory!
Added to the mix is that a pedophile is protected in house. "No gossip" and "No judgement" seem to apply exclusively to abusers of children and not to other sinners!
Elders will solemnly condemn such acts of smoking, apostacy, fornication, drug use, etc with announcements from the stage.
When did you ever hear an announcement like this. "Mr so and so is a bad association for molesting children and should be marked"?
There seems to be special measures made to limit the "gossip" for pedaphiles not afforded to other sinners.
I know people who were for instance going through divorce and slept with a man not their husband...they went to the elders to clear their conscience, and where announced publically as on "reproof". Funny enough every busy body in the congregation knew by weeks end the details of the "private" reproof.
Members don't seem to recieve the same if the sin is child molestation.It seems to me that they go out of their way on the elders level and above to hide this particular offense.
It seems to be its own special catagory, handled in a special way as to hide knowledge.
If I am a mother in a congregation feeling comfy and safe I would not blink an eye at sending my young one to the restroom by him or her self... This is IMO why Mr. Bowen calls it a "pedophile paradise".
I feel that the main concern is within the congregation. Most don't let a jw in the door anyways.
I agree with you, this problem needs legal addressing. It is not at all limited to certain denominations or religions. Care must be taken to protect children wherever they may be. Why oh why is the media centered on the Catholic Church in this area? The main thing is to recognize the problem globally and across the board!