My swan song

by Winston Smith :>D 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Excellent post!

    I remember when you first posted here and have followed your lifes events since.

    I second that. I remember when you first posted here. I took notice because your situation sounded somewhat similar to mine. You also had a cool avatar.

    I wish you well on your journey, Paul. There is lots to discover. Take good care of yourself.

  • Shutterbug

    Great post, obviously well thought out.

    there is no longer a need for me to stop here and post

    You may have your life where you want it, but I think you are being a bit selfish here. What about the folks currently on this board and those coming later who need help ?? With your smarts you could be a tremondous help to those in the same situation you were in previously. I hope you will rethink leaving. Bug

  • Larry

    That was a great post - Thanks for sharing.


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    I got me back.

    I know exactly what you mean! Isn't it a great feeling?

    Go forth and have fun!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Doesn't anyone have a light saber for our newest Jedi? (If I did, I wouldn't know how in the h*ell to post it).

    I view those questions as I would view loving parents who live far away from me and are unable to contact me. If I ever get to visit them, I know I?ll be taken care of and that they?ll welcome me with open arms. And for my part, if I lead a good and happy life, I know I?ll make them proud.

    I expect no less from the loving god that is preached about in the religions worldwide

    Amen brother. Although I think you have so much to offer newbies, you are a better judge on moving forward in what you feel you have to do. Best wishes for a wonderful life.

    Double Edge

  • Corvin

    . . . that was truly "new light".

    Paul, that was truly beautiful. I am so happy for you. I am glad for the perspective and meaning you have given everything, and you are an inspiration to me and I imagine everyone else here on this board.

    I am going to print and save your post so that I can take it out and read it from time to time and use it as guage to see where I am, how far I've come and what I have to do next. Thank you, dear man.

    Best Regards,


  • willyloman

    Paul: This is a lovely swan song, and I wish you all the best in life. An ex-Catholic priest I've come to admire says you have to find the God within, and I really like that sentiment. You seemed to be saying there was something, God?, inside all the time and the WT was unable to kill it. Now you're free to find it, and I hope you do.

    As for this board, It's no surprise you haven't found all the answers here. You won't, and neither will anyone else. This is a half-way house on the road to recovery. Glad you found it and spent some time here; we are all better for having "known" you.

  • galaxy7

    That was the most wonderful post,have a good witness free life and enjoy

  • Carmel

    A River Dirt Cheep, my friend! "You can't change the wind, but you can adjust your sails". Live well and be happy!


  • wednesday

    This reminds me of an eposide of the original Star Treck, at the end someone would ask for directions to their next destination and Kirk would point to a direction and say "that a way".

    So u are going "that a away..." on a new journey and adventure.

    So i have to say it, live long and prosper.


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