My swan song

by Winston Smith :>D 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu


    I hope that you will drop in on us a) when you are bored stiff (eg., the weather is lousy, or you are snowed in); b) when you have breakthroughs that you know will inspire us; c) whenever you want to share a new insight on your road; d) when you want to check the WT's dying pulse...

    What a wonderful gift is our very selves, and our freedom. May your life be filled with adventures, gaining wisdom, and giving and accepting love of the deepest kinds. Don't sell yourself short, ever; expect the best, always.


  • Sunspot

    What a WONDERFUL post! I was also moved to tears. I SO related to all that you said, with the exception of being strong enough to "move on". I don't know if I'll EVER be able to do that---or if I'll ever really WANT to....but that's ME, and where *I'm* at right now.

    I'm wishing you EVERY happiness you hope for and more.......



  • Satanus

    Hey Paul

    Congratulations on this day, the day of your graduation *cheers erupt, fireworks go off, baloons released, cigars/joints passed, toasts shared*

    You condensed very well many of the issues involved in exiting from a closed life style to embarking on a full life, lived closer to it's limits. Like a mighty bird briefly held captive, now restored to full vitality, released into the clear blue sky, to do again what it does best, and likes to do: fly and be free.


  • LittleToe

    Don't feel that you can't come back, if ya want to from time to time.
    Sometimes it's good to chat with old war-buddies, and even exchange a few beers at a Fest or two.

    Meanwhile, ignore everything Shotgun said. He's a b*stard, and an insincere one at that. I nearly made it out the door, but he told me lots of claptrap like that, once. I've been stuck here ever since!!!

  • Sunnygal41

    Paul...........I'm in tears after reading your beautiful expressions............when I saw the title I was like "oh, no! please don't go!!!" but, I then remembered my own first tentative steps outside without the boundaries of anything connected with JW's...........and, I realized that we all have to do this at some point in our new life........we have to know that we can do this on our own without support.............but, as most of us find out, it is absolutely okay to come back, just for the sheer fun of be part of this wonderful group of people who have shared our feelings and experiences.........this is a special place. I no longer feel the need to test my steps alone, I come here for the enjoyment, for the laughter, for the tears and for the encouragement given and gotten. Have fun, grow like crazy, but, don't be surprised if you want to come back and enjoy this forum again!

    "Emitte Luce Tuam".........send forth your light

    Terri, your "sis" forever!

  • new light
    new light

    Thank you, Paul!

    Your "Swan Song" is truly inspiring. I know I will reread it as needed. Truly the most moving, positive, touching thing I have read in a long time. As a recent escapee, I stand in a pile of crumbs and fragments that used to be my life, and sometimes it seems that I'll never be normal enough to live a useful, vital existence. All the normal growing experiences of youth were repressed, and I feel as if I'm 10 years old sometimes. Thank you for showing me that there is still a chance to live a full life. I wish you all the best, brother.


  • Narkissos


    It was always nice reading from you, and I particularly enjoyed this last post.

    We'll never cease to be an ex-something (actually the list will keep growing to our last breath), but it's good to remember we're always much more than that at the same time.

    Best wishes, and take care...


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Paul,

    Well written .. right from the heart.

    I guess that is what I really like about you. Your sincerity, honesty and ability to change your viewpoint on something if you felt it was warranted. Adaptablity.. something that a true blue, die hard, J.W. can't ever be... Adaptable.

    Your a good man and I will truly miss your posts, insights on things... and also your humour.

    I especially remember a fluff thread on "little smiley face moving emicons".. My 8 year old and I just loved it and we looked at them over and over again.

    I felt your pain and anguish when you posted about your encounters with the elders. I felt the love as you struggled to help your wife.

    what ever comes your way, embrace it, feel it... and seek happiness.

    you take care... Paul, and I wish you all the best as you strive to embrace the uniqueness of YOU.


    Special K

  • Euphemism

    My first post was only 4 days before yours. Best wishes to a fellow member of the class of '03.

  • flower

    cool post! congratulations!

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