Should We Form A Committee?

by Englishman 35 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • Englishman

    Dansk recently asked us to write and protest about the erection of a KH in Bury, Lancashire.

    Many of us did just that and the newspaper concerened emailed most of us asking for permission to publish our comments in it's weekly issue.

    It was also suggested that maybe we could also write to DF'ing committees to protest at their actions.

    So, we're wondering, should we form some sort of committee to co-ordinate operations such as this on an ongoing basis?

    If we did that, who would be interested in playing an active part?

    Any suggestions as to how such an operation should be run?


  • Dansk


    You can certainly put me down to play an active part. E-mails definitely work - providing we can send enough of them. The press and councillors in Bury ARE taking notice thanks to the response we've had.

    We can design template letters that can be changed to suit. That way we can help those who find it difficult to write individual e-mails or are too busy. We can help our friends here wherever they live in the world by sending e-mails in support. That's extremely comforting when one feels alone!!

    Obviously some people are going to be a little apprehensive about 'committee', associating it with 'organisation'. I know this isn't what you mean, I just want to clarify. I prefer to liken it to a band of merry men and women - all doing their bit to help expose the damaging policies of Watchtower.


  • FMZ

    Noooo!!!! I vowed to myself I woul dnever be part of organized religion again! And a commitee suggests ORGANIZATION. I would have no-where to go!

    Just kidding, I think this is a great idea. I unfortunately barely have time to fart, so would not be able to participate. But I will support this however I can :)


  • Pleasuredome

    i think we should form a committee to decide whether we form an operations committee. but before all that we should all have a nice cup of tea first.

  • Simon

    I think anything like this needs to have very clear and defined goals and terms of reference and agreement between the people involved over the kind of action to be taken etc ... before things are done.

  • garybuss

    I would need someone to identify goals, outline the issues, draft ? (three) letters to the target, provide mailing instructions, a timetable, and addresses.

    It would be nice if that contact person could report on the affects of the campaign.

    Here in the USA, I am not very interested in protesting kingdom halls being built. I am interested in exposing the behaviors of the group like the hiding the clear nature of the group, that it is a political party operating a publishing company, doing direct sales while evading sales tax. I am interested in protesting the tax free status for a secular multi level marketing corporation.

    I have a problem with a totalitarian government (Watch Tower Inc, bda, God's Kingdom) operating visibly with impunity within a democratic government that goes to war to overthrow governments that are using the same techniques as the Watch Tower Publishing Inc. GaryB

  • painterguy

    Personally I could careless if they build kingdom halls all over the world, because in the end they are just going to fall any ol ways. I think that I have many more better things to do in my life than to worry about what some piece of crap cult is doing.

    It is much more important to think about our own selves and what we are doing in our own lives than to worry about what some other person is doing. Are we really afraid of what they might become or do if they build their kingdom halls ?

    I am not worried, I do not wish for them to know who I am so that they would not bother me as I know full well that they will if they knew where I was or who I was because when I left them I was terrorized by them until I moved to a different town where noone knows me. When they come to my door I do not acknowledge them by letting them know I was one of them I just simply say I am not interested and close my door.

    My life is way to busy and too important to get involved in what they are doing and the reason why I did what I did in leaving them I do not care to open another can of worms. When I left them I left them for good and I am not going back in any way shape or form. Good luck to all who do get involved but I prefer to just stay away from them as I want them to stay away from me.

  • Corvin

    I am also very busy with family and work, however, I believe this is a good and important cause. Therefore, I will make time to support posative action. Please allow me to help in anyway I can.



  • minimus

    signed, Organized Apostate Association........(an organized group of apostates)......The Society would LOVE that.

  • mouthy

    just want to clarify. I prefer to liken it to a band of merry men and women - all doing their bit to help expose the damaging policies of the WT( said by Dansk)

    I am in for that too..

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