I cannot stop laughing!!!! The studies I always ended up attending always had the fuddy-duddies attending. Can you imagine being that young man!!! Hey, Sparks, thanx for the PM. Glad I got kicked out.
HELP!God get me out of here!PART2 [dedicated to gay people with thanx]
by Sparks 14 Replies latest jw experiences
I really love the way you keep hitting the nail on the head!That is a real gift.My ex-wife had your gift also;sometimes I`d be rabbiting-on for an hour trying to explain something to some-body,when suddenly she`d say:"what he`s TRYING to say is, piss-off and ask your girlfriend to loan you some money..." or like you also,she could give a better illustation than me.Hey, I`d better stop talking about her,as I still love her and will start to miss her and get all weepie.
("...slight embellishment of what really happend..") I say, just think; that was only the first five minutes of an hour study..!!!poor Billy, I just wanted to get up and go over to him and hug him tight.Like that poor gay guy in the film " As Good As It Gets" [Jack Nichleson/Helen Hunt.
A million thanks for your great posts Corvin, the assol bit had me in stitches....... I`d loved to have been there...I noticed that you keep a straight face[dead-pan] also, when pulling some-ones leg!Great fun..!that really winds `em up...
Please could you try to put your punch lines nearer to the end of your posts though,cos I was bitting my keybourd in floods of tears trying to stop laughing so I could read the rest of your post...!Hey It`s great meeting another nutcase...!!![A little word of advice though, please listen to the voice of experiance; If you see a van pull up out-side your place and four men in white coats coming towards you carrying a funny looking jacket with lots of straps on the sleeves,F--king RUN FOR IT..!!!! Thanks again Corvin, your a real diamond. -
Hi, thankyou so much for posting;some-times I`m not too sure what reactions people have to some of the crazy stuff I post on this bulletin bourd, so I`m so pleased that you took the time to reply, and THRILLED you had a laugh.Things like that really make my day.Regarding the "ap-pee-nus";Because I was so bored at the meetings and dieing to piss-off that brown-nose git,I sat there thinking how I could get him to say it in a sentance to the women he was always chattin`-up and appear really pervy doing so.I amagined telling him that English women just love and adore hearing how happy he is to be here, which would be a killer chat-up line for him to use.I would have loved him to have gone around the Kingdom hall saying something like " allo, I have much penis"..... but unfortunately I could never think of any sentance to give him....damn it.![ Strange how some gay Frenchmen still chat-up women...?
Thanks again for posting Confusedjw
I agree; VIVA LA FRENCH !!!! [ I wish I`d said that.....! God how I love their food and drink! I must brush-up on my French and pop over there again soon.]
Thanks Kate, your beautiful.
Hi Annie-sunspot.Shamus.nilfun and five_crew,
I`m so sorry about the long delay in answering your wonderful posts,I`m in a differant time zone to you ofcourse[ I`m still living in the 60s, you should see my shirt and Levi flares...!]and I don`t get in from work till late.I`m so so pleased you had a bit of a giggle,as it is a great privalage to be able to help bring a little light releif from the pressures that life and nasty people bring apon us. I know you Guys have had and gone through some nightmare experiances, apart from 9/11 etc..If I could give you all a huge hug I would.Yes five_crew, I maybe a world class homophobe but I still have deep-DEEP feelings and compassion for any-one, male or female, lesbian or a gay male.I really had my guts twisted reading your thread ( Disgusted: on this same bourd).I`m so so sorry.One of the things I keep hearing myself say as I get older and older is, "yes I`ve also been through that", which go`s for most of the older one`s on this forum also.So please visit us regularly.We may not be there in the flesh to hug you and comfort you phyically, but we are there infront of you this very second,hundreds of us,[if you want].l`m feel deeply privalged to have diverted your mind off your suffering for afew minutes, and hope you will slowly become more and more seperated from your pain, by reading posts from people just like yourself either going through, or gone through the same nightmares as you five_crew.
Guy`s,regarding poor Billy; the story above only covers FIVE MINUTES..!!! so Billy had 55 more minutes of those morons.And then start to imagine after the group ended what it was like with Sister Desperate all over him and those posh speaking snobs from London!![they spoak like the Queen and Prince Charles].Then there was the main meeting that week with 150-odd other creeps!!Billy stuck to us younger ones fortunately,and came through it....
Well I`m going to get my dinner now, before it freezes over[ great weather we`re having in England this Spring, the rains quite warm..!}
Must go for now,love and thanx to you all ,see you soon. Sparks