I joined my mother in a baptismal act, but did not truly dedicate myself. I was a young teen then. I want to rescind this phony baloney act and reclaim my freedom as a human being with free-will. Has anyone gotten their baptism rescinded?
Rescinding Baptismal Status?
by dezra 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Black Sheep
Hi desra, Welcome to the Board.
There may be some hope if you are in the USA.
By law minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts. Therefore by law, people who got baptized when they were children have a third legally enforceable option when they leave: to simply quit, without disassociating and without submitting to a judicial committee, or "ecclesiastical tribunal." Of course, the Society will not tell people about this. http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/legal.htm
See http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/44539/1.ashx
There might have been some other threads too but I haven't found them
Black Sheep
Just found another
As for a claim that one's baptism was not valid, for whatever reason legal or otherwise, the WTS of course says no way can you do that and no "annulment" will be accepted. See Questions From Readers in the WT of March 1, 1960.
To my knowledge this has never been tested in court, but if it were it would likely be decided that the 1st Amendment precludes subject matter jurisdiction--i.e., the matter of merely joining a religion is exempt from the enforcement of contract law by lawsuits.
I want to...reclaim my freedom as a human being with free-will.
I don't blame you. The kind of self-surrender that's imposed on us from the WTS comes from proud men and NOT from God.
Why worry about rescinding anything? If that's how you feel, speak your piece and stop attending...They're going to shun you either way!
I have a question. When I left I just stopped going and moved to another state without telling anyone. I have no idea what they consider my status as being and I have no desire to go back. If my status is disassociated am I still considered one of them, even if it's only on paper? Should I write to them to remove my name from their rank and file? Would doing so prevent any possible problems in the future should any Biblical events start to take place? I know that what's in my heart and mind is all that matters to God and Jesus. But let's say JW's are banned or persecuted...would any organizations look at the list of members and see my name on there and do something? What are your thoughts on the matter?
ignorance is strength
JW Baptisms are not valid and cannot be considered thus for they do not say "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" as Christ said. Don't worry about changing your status, its what you believe about yourself and your spiritual condition that matters not some organisation in New York.
hmm this is an interesting post. I was baptized before 1985 and now I have learned the baptismal questions/vows changed--used to be a dedication to Jesus and Jehovah. After 1985 it is a dedication to Jesus and Jehovah's Organization. I never agree to be baptised into an organization, thus is my baptism is null and void the way I see it-- I wonder what the legal status is on this one--if a contract is changed you are no longer under obligation--this is is the way it would be in the real world, but the WTBTS is not real.
But let's say JW's are banned or persecuted...would any organizations look at the list of members and see my name on there and do something? What are your thoughts on the matter?
Interesting thought crinklestein...never thought of that....yikes...Will have to investigate this subject more. I am on the fade and want nothing to do with the Org anymore, but would not want to be legally associated with them because my name is on a list somewhere...
Exactly! I mean, even though I am not a JW anymore does not mean that I don't believe in God or the Bible and if what the Bible says is true then Armageddon could happen. If this extends into governments and legal organizations and they want to retaliate against religions or sperate people known to be part of a certain religion then I would not want my name associated with the WTS. Who knows, anything could happen with the WTS or its members and I would not want my name included in some master list they may have.