"Do Not Be Irritating Your Children"

by Englishman 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Englishman, the 90/91 WTs are on the CD and in spite of statements that the CD and the bound volumes are different, except for 1989 comment and some updates made to the Live Forever book and Truth book (which is not on the CD), I'm not sure what you are looking for. I am sure that something like that was said from the podium, but it might have been a twisted slant from that person or area.


  • Englishman

    Hi Blondie,

    Thanks for looking. It was definitely in one of the mags.


  • garybuss

    Eman, that was tough to find. :-)


    However, the apostle Paul shows that the Law
    foreshadowed what believers should do. Quoting
    the fifth of the Ten Commandments, he says :
    "Children, be obedient to your parents in union
    with the Lord, for this is righteous : `Honor your
    father and mother' ; which is the first command
    with a promise ; `That it nay go well with you
    and you may endure a long time on the earth .'
    And you, fathers, do not be irritating your children,
    but go on bringing them up in the discipline
    and authoritative advice of Jehovah ." (Ephesians
    6 :1-4, NW; Colossians 3:20, 21) Natural or foster
    fathers will not irritate or exasperate their children
    and make them downhearted by overlooking
    and neglecting them in a spiritual way
    . Spiritual
    things work in the opposite direction from irritation,
    exasperation, wrath and downheartedness .
    Parents must be not merely material breadwinners
    and physical caretakers over their own, but
    must also be spiritual providers . By this provision
    they lay up a better future for their children, a
    future that has the prospect of everlasting life in
    the new world . By giving offspring simply material
    comforts, conveniences and worldly education, a
    parent may be giving something harmful . So give
    both the material and the spiritual inheritance
    "Wisdom is good with an inheritance : and by it
    there is profit to them that see the sun . For wisdom
    is a defence, and money is a defence : but the
    excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth
    life to them that have it ." (Ecclesiastes 7 :11, 12)
    Wisdom preserves life.

    Brooklyn, New York, U. S. A .
    2,750,000 Edition
    COPYRIGHT, 1950
    Made in the United States of America

  • Englishman


    Natural or foster
    fathers will not irritate or exasperate their children
    and make them downhearted by overlooking
    and neglecting them in a spiritual way

    Now we're cooking! Thank you.

    Although this is one of the milder references, we can see that the admonition to fathers to not irritate their children is actually being twisted away from the original intent of the writer of the scripture.

    Already, back when this was written in the 50's, any defence of the children was being eroded away by this twisting of meaning. The inference is that irritation is caused by neglecting them spiritually, when it is plain to everone else that "exasperating one's children" is caused by simply driving them nuts.

    If we look at the translation in the New English Bible, it says:

    "You fathers must not goad your children to resentment but give them the instruction and the correction which belong to a Christian upbringing." That is much kinder in the way that it refers to children, and takes the childs part to a large extent, unlike the WT's harsh interpretation.

    Small wonder indeed that many children of Jehovah's witnesses feel as though they are just worthless nuisances!


  • Nosferatu

    I would always get a good smack if I tried to correct my mother with the scriptures. I used "Do not be irritating your children", "Let all abuse and wrath, and screaming, and abusive speech be taken away from you" (I think that's how that one goes).

    Scriptural correction never did work, probably because I wasn't an elder, or maybe because I was baptized, or even maybe because the WTS had taken all the power away from children and put it into the parents' hands.

  • blondie

    I tried using scriptures, nos. In the end, the fact that they are treating you in a way that is contrary to the scriptures, shows they do not accept the scriptures as an authority in their life. I find that parents like that don't listen to the elders either. It's just that the elders don't have to go home with them and get beat on. Parents like that twist the scriptures to excuse their behavior.


  • Maya

    sphere - that is EXACTLY what I was gonna post when I saw that scripture here.

    It makes me want to puke......


  • Sassy

    I must admit, reading that post earlier.. not the post.. but the scripture brought back a slight anxiety type feeling...

    I hate that...

    it is like if you watch a movie where the abused one has suppressed feelings and then little things trigger flashbacks to help them remember.... I first got that feeling when I saw the interview with Mel Gibson on the Passion movie and now I felt it again with the reading of that scripture I had memorized as a child.. its a bad feeling.. like I can't breathe.. I just don't know why

  • Maya

    Me too, sassy - it gives me an anxious feeling but it quickly turns into rage...........

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    Heres my little rant on an insignificant thing:

    "MENTAL-REGULATING OF JEHOVAH"? What the hell is that? If JWs didn't want to sound like a brainwashing cult they shouldn't have translated it this way. Lets see how other translations interpret this passage (a favourite past-time of JWs when the translation agrees with them)

    NRSV: 4 And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord

    NAB: Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up with the training and instruction of the Lord

    NIV: 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord


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