Wow English - I'm going to definitely save that reply b/c I thought we were in the age of enlightenment, but I see that ignorance still reigns for some. I can't really blame you b/c I was in the 'dark' myself until I was in my 30's. Your reply is a perfect example of how far we have to go in the race relations in America.
I don't know where to begin? Maybe Egypt?
How about these few global contributions by Africans since the beginning of time: Civilization, Medicine, Alphabet, Chess, Paper, Laws, Religion, Astronomy, etc.
If you are incline to educate yourself, you might trying reading some of these books by Ivan Van Sertima:
Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern
African Presence in Early Europe
They Came before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America
Golden Age of the Moor.
Black Inventors (American Profiles) by Nathan Aaseng
Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James
or you might want to look at these web sites:
English - This is just the tip of the iceberg, but time and space won't allow me to continue (at least not at this point)
Valis - If god has black skin (I don't believe god has any human characteristic) it would make a difference in perception, b/c I doubt you would have a Caucasian race bowing down to a Black god (although if you were to look at the very old statues and painting in the Vatican and other places of antiquity you would see a black Madonna, and Jesus ( I can't imagine any white racist group of people worshipping a Black deity. Hell, just decades ago Blacks and Whites were not able to be in the same building together.
I didn't expect the thread to go in the direction of ignorance, I thought we escaped most of that when we left the BORG.
Peace - LL :-/