Hi and a question

by irishayes 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • irishayes

    Hello! I have been lurking for a few days and wanted to ask a question. I stumbled on this website because I have an aquaintance who is a JW and I wanted to learn more about this religion.

    First off, let me say that I am a christian.

    My question is this: In reading a lot of posts, I see that many of you have left the religion because you believe the WBTS has not been truthful in their interpretation of scriptures and because of their incorrect prophecies. OK, I get that. But it seems many of you still believe that they were correct in their belief that the Trinity is totally a wrong teaching. I guess I'm just wondering why, if you believe they were lying to you about other doctrines/teachings you believe that they got the "Trinity" issue right?

    Really not trying to start a debate, I'm just curious.

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Hi Irish

    I've been lurking a lot before I joined, but I noticed something different. I noticed that only a few believe in the Watchtower's interpretation of the Deity of Christ, and only a few others believe in the Trinity. But I would say most here are non believers, although I haven't posted at all long enough to find out properly.

    The Bible is open to so much interpretation... it's like a huge game of Chinese whispers. Things have changed so much thorugh time, I thought that Constantine adopted and encouraged the Trinity, although i'm no expert.

    How can anybody be one hundred percent sure?

    Welcome again.

  • undercover

    Welcome, Irish

    You are correct, many that have left the JWs still do not accept the trinity, but some do. I'm sure they'll pop in sooner or later. You'll find all kinds of viewpoints from people who USED to be JWs. As a JW, they were discouraged and indoctrinated to not think for themselves or research independant of the WTS publications. Once we we woke up from the deception, we have all researched at various degrees and have come up with as many ideas as there are X-JWs. I for one, am of the opinion that the Bible is not inspired and that all organized religion is just man's way of controlling other men. I don't think one needs a religion to be acceptable to God, if one exists. I have not researched the trinity enough to have a real opinoin on it. But stick around, I'm sure this could strike up a good trinity debate.

  • Celtic

    Welcome Iris to the board.

    The trinity issue to be honest I believe is the least of our doctrinal problems, there are so many overlapping issues at stake here, that many more take precedence over this this.

    If you would like any information upon any subject at all, feel welcome any time to send me a private message.

    Good to see you here though and taking an interest, welcome again.

    Kindest regards and all best wishes.


  • desib77

    Hi, and welcome.........

    I don't know about anyone else but I can say that I'm not sure they were right about the Trinity. The truth is I honestly am having a lot of problems with this. It isn't that I believe the JW's are right about there not being a Trinity but rather that I'm having trouble getting past the obvious distinction between Father & Son. I guess I just can't understand if the Trinity is true, why it has to be so complicated. Just seems like people read a lot into the Bible. However, I try to be open to all ideas.


  • irishayes

    I have to say, I have never even questioned the Trinity. I believe it with my whole heart and soul, and I didn't even realize this was something the JW's taught against.

    I find it so sad that the WBTS has so disillusioned people that they are completely turned off to religion now. I believe they are going to have to answer to that.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hello Iris, and welcome to the discussion board. I was raised a Witness, and although the trinity, along with many other doctrines, was at first hard for me to accept, the longer I have been out, and the more I research Christianity, the easier it has been to accept and somewhat understand, to a degree. It's just so hard for ex-witnesses because they are force-fed the fact that it's a pagan doctrine, and that it's next to committing a major sin to even believe it could be a possibility. In another way, they have been so indoctrinated, that when they find out what a big farce their whole life/belief sytstem is, it's just next to impossible to trust anything else.


  • Farkel

    Thomas Paine made an excellent observation in his essay "The Age of Reason." He stated that the Bible is a book about what God does, and not a book teaching us about the mind and nature of God. If God did cause the Bible to be written and DID want us to know about his nature, e.g. whether he is a trinity, then he would have been more specific about it. He wasn't. Therefore, it's not important to know.

    Just as many arguments can be made for the Trinity as against it, ergo it's irrelevant that we know which is true. Honest Christians admit the Trinity is a "mystery." If God didn't want it to be a mystery, he would have explained it to us. Alternatively, it's all bullshit.


  • HadEnuf

    Hello and welcome!

    If Blondie answers your question here...I agree with her.

    Cathy L.

    P.S. There are always some beliefs that you hold on to because you just feel they're the right ones. I personally would not have believed in the trinity whether or not I was of another religion or not. Well...errr...unless that was drilled into my brain. I just think that God, Christ and the holy spirit are separate...just seems very logical to me. I suppose there is a bit of truth and lies in every religion or institution. Did this comment make sense? Probably not.

  • irishayes

    I guess I would have a problem with believing God and Christ were separate because Christ paid the largest price ever--his life for us. If He is separate from God, then that would make Him greater than God, no?

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