Hi and a question

by irishayes 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • glitter

    I find it so sad that the WBTS has so disillusioned people that they are completely turned off to religion now.

    Not in my case - being disillusioned by the Society made me want to know God more and *not* take it out on Him... so I began to read the Bible from the beginning - I was horrified and *that* is why I know the God of the Bible is not worthy of my worship if He even exists. The WTBTS isn't to blame for that one!

  • undercover
    I find it so sad that the WBTS has so disillusioned people that they are completely turned off to religion now. I believe they are going to have to answer to that.

    And just who would I answer to for that? To God himself? I'll gladly do that. He can ask me anytime. If he was to do it, I bet he doesn't use any organized religion. Like I said before, organized religion is just man's way of controlling other men. Think about it, why would the most powerful being in the universe need to communicate through spokesmen who can't even prove they are God's spokesmen? What's worse, is, how do so many people fall for it? (Including me, for decades)

  • link

    My own observation here over the past couple of years is that many, if not most, ex-JW’s who continue as Christians retain a lot of the Societies interpretation of the Bible. Not all retain the same bits of that interpretation but I would say that most do retain much of it.


  • irishayes

    You misunderstand Undercover.

    I meant the "ruling body" of WBTS is going to have to answer for it. Not those who were misled.

  • undercover
    You misunderstand Undercover.

    I meant the "ruling body" of WBTS is going to have to answer for it. Not those who were misled.

    Ahh, I did misunderstand. My apologies.

    I think most religions will have to answer to God (if he should ever come calling). The WTS does not have a monopoly on misleading and deceiving people.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I guess I would have a problem with believing God and Christ were separate because Christ paid the largest price ever--his life for us. If He is separate from God, then that would make Him greater than God, no?

    Hi Irish. I too am a Christian with a JW friend. I came to this board over two years ago to trying to figure them out. I've learned a lot. I don't believe the 3-in-one concept that most Christians find hard to explain. It doesn't make sense to me. I do think that there are 3 distinct "intities" that make up GOD... they are one in purpose. I think Farkel's noting Thomas Paine's observations was excellent. When you come to think of it, whether the Trinity "is" or "isn't", does it make any real difference in the way God deals with us? Not really... we can't affect it one way or another - it just makes for good argument fodder. btw....WELCOME!

  • English Patient
    English Patient
    If He is separate from God, then that would make Him greater than God, no?

    How would that be the case?

    I know that Jesus asked who had greater love than this, that he should lay down his life for his brothers. But surely he was speaking of other men, not supernatural beings? If you did mean something else, please explain.

  • irishayes

    John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

    Yes, Jesus was speaking of Himself and what He had come to earth to do.

    That is why I stated that if Jesus is not God, then He performed an act of love which is greater than God's.

    I guess I find it less confusing to believe in the Trinity than to try and figure out if Jesus isn't God, then who is He?

  • English Patient
    English Patient


    I see what you mean. But it's all open to bizarre interpretation... I guess that somebody could prove from the Bible that Jesus was neither God or Son of God, since he never said those things.

  • ozziepost
    My own observation here over the past couple of years is that many, if not most, ex-JW?s who continue as Christians retain a lot of the Societies interpretation of the Bible. Not all retain the same bits of that interpretation but I would say that most do retain much of it.

    My observation too. Unfortunately people who arre still influenced by the Borg's teachings are not going to be able to enjoy real freedom.


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