Over the edge

by Vivamus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby


    Feeling that way isn't normal and something is definately wrong. Don't blame life......or things will get worse. Blame your health. I think JT was correct and you are depressed. I went through that crap for years and it isn't fun. Nothing excites you, everything seems pointless, and you wonder why you should exist sometimes. It's not real Viv. You are a bright good looking lady with much to live for and be happy. You have a great mum too.......that I miss here.

    Please check into your health and take care of it. Perhaps some meds will help.



  • Sassy

    Ahhhh V, I'm sorry you are going through some unhappiness now. I wish there was something we could so.. we love you..

    Group Hug for you...

  • truthseeker1

    Viv my Dutch Princess, I hate to see you down.

    Hopefully we can bring a smile to your face. I don't have a pic of my motorcycle yet, but when I do, i'll post it and have you hop on.

    Happy Birthday!

  • Mulan

    I don't remember feeling that way as a child, and only occasionally as an adult. Maybe you need to take something to help, like St. John's Wort or an anti depressant. Your seratonin levels may be wayyyyyy down. Check with a doctor.............it really helps people who need to do it.

    Happy Birthday to you too!!!

  • somebodylovesme

    Vivamus ~

    I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. I don't have any words of inspiration, except that I'll be thinking of you and that the people in this community are here for you. Take care of yourself and remember to enjoy the little things ~ raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?


    A guy dies and goes to hell and he's getting as tour of Hell by the Devil. The Devil tells him that he's going to have three rooms to take choice of for his eternal punishment.

    In the first room are people standing in feces up to their necks. The guy says no, next room!

    In the next room people are standing in feces up to thier waists. The guy says no, next room!

    In the last room people are standing in feces up to thier ankles and thier drinking coffee! The guy says I'll take this room. So he gets his coffee and stands in the feces. After about 10 minutes the Devil comes back in the room and says:


  • Rabbit

    I am sorry you are feeling so poorly. I don't mean to sound like a parrot, but, as a person who had to deal with major depression for a very long time...I recognise it easily in others now.

    There is short term depression, this is something everyone goes thru when something current in their lives goes very wrong. if that's the case...it will pass, with the help of family, friends and you yourself.

    Long term depression will sometimes seem to be there for 'no apparent reason'. This is never hopeless...you'll still need the help of your family, friends and you, too. However, many people like myself, needed medicine and 'talk' therapy...and time. It can be dangerous to ignore the warning signs of depression, it can overwhelm you...don't take the chance. Get some help right away...

    Love ya', Lee

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi dear Viv,

    I just met Victor E in chat this evening, and after reading your post, I went and found what I believe is a very helpful essay he wrote that you may enjoy, even at a time like this:


    I hope you take a look at it. He's a former Witness who is now a Psychotherapist.

  • Vivamus

    Thank you all for the replies and also thank you for the PM's I found in my inbox this morning. I don't have time to respond properly right now, cuz I have to work. But pls. know that I really appreciate your words.

    A physical from the doc would not be such a bad idea. I do sleep lousy, never feel rested and always feel worn out. I however, do exercise, don't party and don't smoke..... Who had ever thought I'd say that and mean it ....

    Gotta run now, but thank you all

  • greven


    Dark clouds huh? Hope it will soon pass for ya! It's depressing being depressed...like sort of...

    A warm cuddly HUG for you!


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