What is Your purpose/point for being here?

by ScoobySnax 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    I get asked that question alot, some even ask what exactly my purpose is! I can live with it.

    If I had to answer my own question, I'd have to say it broken down into a number of points

    a. I like to see what the latest stuff is happening on the "apostate" side.

    b. I like to watch the politics of this group

    c. There are some I like to see and hear from

    d. There are some I don't like, but still like to hear from

    e. I like to be able to express how I feel totally, which I can't do on most other forums

    f. Its interesting to watch the dynamics

    g. I'm happy when I get some PMs from people new to this site who may have been lurking and unsure.

    h. sometimes I need to laugh

    What is your purpose in being here?


  • seeitallclearlynow

    That's interesting, Scooby - I think you are a little like my daughter - she breaks things down like that. Until you listed all the reasons, I might never have thought about having a "purpose" or "point" for being here - I would have just said, "I like this forum."

    But I really enjoy a lot of the people here, and like you, I may not like one or two at times, but I'm still definitely interested in what they have to say! I look for their posts. Funny.

    It's exciting to see new ones join and keep us up to date on their progress out of the unkind clutches of the Watchtower Organization. I like hearing the nonsense that is experienced at the Kingdom Halls around the world - it's a good laugh. Wasn't funny when I was experiencing it myself. But it's good to be able to see it for what it is now and to breathe a sigh of relief.

    It's great to see young ones taking a stand against the ridiculous requirements of the Organization, because there's hope that their lives will not be ruined by the Borg.

    It's just plain fun here, and I really enjoy the dynamics of the community here too.

  • Dan-O

    I wandered into this site a couple of weeks ago & found it to be interesting. I knew that there were others who had fallen away from (or been booted out of) the org over the years, but I've met only one outside of my immediate family with whom I've been able to discuss our dysfunctional childhoods.

    I'm curious about others' experiences, and have been enjoying my visits here so far.

  • MorpheuzX

    I've discovered that there is no point in me being here. I've moved on. I've been out for eight years. This board serves a great purpose for those freshly out of the WTS cult -- wish I'd had something like this back in '96. Anyway, I'm moving on. This is my last post. Bye to anyone here who liked me.

  • ozziepost


    If you're still around and reading this, may I say that I understand and congratulate you on your new life.


    Cheers, Ozzie

  • blondie

    Well, morph, you can still drop by from time to time. Coming here is not just getting, but giving too. Some day I may cut down my posts (and stop my reviews), but so far....


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Bye, Morph! Does there have to be religious angst to interact with people here? Many here have "moved on." They still drop in and say hello, chat a bit on the board, whatever.

    Couldn't you do the same?

  • neverthere

    I came here looking for information on someone and found them. Then I got to reading the boards. Though I am not a former or current JW (never have been hence the name neverthere) my ex's family is/was.

    I have found a board here that accepts me, listens to me, likes me (I hope) and gives me quite a chuckle sometimes.


  • ScoobySnax

    ahhhhh......smell the sweet smell.........

    Fantastic!! keep them coming.....

    Diana....I'm sure you're liked

    Blondie.....I can't see it just yet....lol

    Ozzie.... My sentiments exactly.

    Seeitall....I'm sure he will

    Morph... All the best from me too.....great.

  • blondie
    Blondie.....I can't see it just yet....lol

    See what?

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