Look there are criminals and pervs EVERYWHERE, JW, Catholics, anywhere in the world...maybe even on this FORUM! It doesnt take away from what Jehovah has set down. And if you can find a more direct aproach to the bible other than the GOOD teachings of JW then go right ahead, but remember there is no truth without works, and salvation through Faith alone is impossible.
Hey im NEW
by kozmik 108 Replies latest jw experiences
remember there is no truth without works, and salvation through Faith alone is impossible.
Why doesn't kozmik answer my questions? Because he can't that's why! He admits as much in those words!
District Overbeer
And by the way, i know where my heart is, and that is to comply with Jehovah. But my actions arent in the same place, man i love sex, and sex loves me... but if i marry someone out of the org then ill definately try my best to incorporate my beleifs to her. And actually the girlfriends ive had pretty much listen to everything i say so its all good. But this i know...i find myself in ONE TIGHT predicament!
Welcome to the board...you'll like it here, whatever the goal.
BTW...Have you met ScoobySnax?
Suddenly its not all SOOO good now IS IT? itsallgoodnow! haha jk , dude...if you dont wanna reply then dont. Thanks for at least giving me the right to my own opinion.
Just look into some of the web sites you have been given from people on this forum then come back.
So kozmik, what's your opinion on the United Nations thing?
yeah, you really made me cry if this is the worst thing to happen to me today, then I guess it really is all good now, huh.
You don't sound to me like a guy whose really getting laid all that much, you're pretty damn uptight. Take this opportunity to go fuck yourself, since handjobs are probably all you've ever had, virgin!
Ah, that felt good!
Oh, and I'm not a dude, I'm a dudette!
PS, all in good fun, don't get pissed.
Their doctrine is screwed up....1914 is a made up number and Armagaddon isn't coming...hate to break it to ya
Now...if you want to live YOUR life with no oral sex, R rated or above movies, going to people's doors Saturday mornings instead of sleeping in or watching cartoons, doing the 3 meetings a week drudge, feeling guilty for owning a boat if you can afford one, listening to CD's of kingdom melodies and driving a mini-van...to name just a FEW perks of being a dub...then by all means go ahead! j
But as for me and my household....no thanks
To answer your question, its simple. The members that are loyal WHICH ridiculously outnumber the FAKE members, follow the bible as best as they can. JW depicts the bible perfectly and the members are EXCEPTIONAL people. (not the pedophiles that unfortunately are everywhere in the world) But the real members which is tha majority of them. They clearly make the individual a better person, JWs are known for their kindness to society. Donations arent forced upon and pretty much EVERYTHING we stand for is righteous. Its a good path for salvation, im not saying that it is free of sin but what is holy can never be tainted.