I've been suffering with Fibromyalgia since about 1986, but was not diagnosed until 1997. For the longest time the only course of treatment (since there is no cure) is the use of strong pain killers. I opted not to take that route. Someone recently posted something on here regarding this malady, and it got me to thinking and doing more research. What I found was quite interesting.
It seems that after a decade of the medical profession taking this illness seriously, they have been able to do extensive research as to why people get this. What I found is that nearly every patient also has a history of extreme stress/great highs and lows with depression/AND a substantially lower amount of seratonin in the chemistry of the brain. This chemical controls a persons feelings of "wellbeing". I researched the medications on the market that "increase serotonin" in the brain chemistry and there are quite a few. Ironically, these medications are really on the market to treat disorders such as depression/anxiety/obsessive-compulsive behavior, etc. They are usually taken at larger dosages for those problems. However, in low doses of 5-10 mg per day, studies have proven that they also increase the level of serotonin in the brain, thus helping paitents who suffer from Fibromyalgia. Most, however, have side affects that I wouldn't want to deal with. The one remaining, with very low initial side affects, was Prozac.
I made an appointment with my doctor yesterday and am now beginning treatment. It will last for six to twelve months. The brain is amazing. Once it "relearns" and "re-establishes" the serotonin levels, the need for continued medication can many times be discontinued altogether. I'm keeping a daily diary beginning today. I am so hopeful that I will find some help in dealing with the Fibromyalgia. That would be wonderful.
If anyone has had any experience in this arena, I'd sure like to hear your stories and opinions.