as i said there are a handful of honest people who are actually interested in doing good for the population who get to the top. but you can count the number of those on one hand.
But the ones who'll ultimately succeed are those who figure out what skills/abilities they can exploit in themselves. Maybe in a differenet job. But, life changes.
with this you underline exactly what i am saying. survival of the fittest!
You really ARE confused. You were talking about how US presidents will our only out for themselves; that they would knowingly let a 9/11 happen just to avenge an old vendetta. I say you are deranged.
What I was talking about was FREE MARKET. The fact that we are not a socialist state. Two VERY different things.
You are jumping all over the place to make some sort of point: I guess it is that US people, presidents in particular, would just as soon kill their grandmothers if it meant more money for them. Yes, the big corporations are out to get everybody. Go back to reading your Marxist books.