JW Death

by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I figured I'd post this. Me and my dad studied with him for a couple of years.

    John William Bodner

    Peacefully, on Monday, April 5, 2004, John Bodner, beloved husband of Verna, died at the Health Sciences Centre.

    Visitation will be held on Friday, April 9 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at Cropo Funeral Chapel, 1442 Main St. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, April 10 at 3:00 pm at the Kingdom Hall Centre, 229 Lakewood Blvc.

    Longer Obituary to follow.

    The longer obituary hasn't come out yet, but if anybody wishes, I can post it.

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, the full obituary is online:


    April 08, 2004

    JOHN W. BODNER John W. Bodner, died peacefully at the age of 82, after a brief illness on April 5, 2004 at the Health Sciences Centre. Left to mourn are, his wife Verna; daughter Heidi (Steve); grandchildren, Vincent, Victor, William and Ruby. John is also survived by his brother Peter (Verna) and his three sisters, Anna Scherpenisse, Marie Klymiuk and Gloria (Bob) Rairie plus many nieces and nephews. John was predeceased by his father Philip and mother Pearl; and his brothers, Frank and Michael. John created his company, J.W. Bodner Co. Ltd., which at times employed as many as 150. His biggest accomplishment, however, was his volunteer work. His whole life was dedicated to serving Jehovah God. He spent many hours visiting the sick, helping those who needed spiritual and financial help. He was a very generous man. He enjoyed most of all to tell others about Jehovah's purpose to bring the earth to a paradise by means of his Kingdom with Christ Jesus as king. When he was chairman of the Regional Building Committee he was involved in the construction of many Kingdom Halls in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. We wish to thank Drs. Fong, Muirhead and Littleford for treating John with dignity and integrity. The staff in the SICU are without compare, and we thank them for treating John with compassion and those of us who were with him. Also the staff in GA3. All of this made the last two weeks more bearable. Memorial service will be held Saturday, April 10 at 3:00 p.m. at Kingdom Hall Centre, 229 Lakewood Blvd. with Ken Little officiating. Viewing Friday, April 9 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Cropo Funeral Chapel, 1442 Main St. Psalms 91:1 and 11 brings great comfort. We thank all the friends who support us in our time of need. CROPO FUNERAL CHAPEL 586-8044

  • Odrade

    I'm sorry about your friend, Nos. I gotta say though, that is a really weird obituary. I don't think I've ever seen one quite like it. You going to the memorial service?


  • Nosferatu

    First of all, don't be sorry. This is closure. Second, I could write a whole post on why I'm NOT going to the memorial service.

  • Uzzah

    Thank you for posting this.

    I used to do a lot of work with John over the years regarding HLC and Regional building. He was an astute businessman.

    Thanks again for posting the obit in full.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Bet you he was another one that thought he wouldn't see death before the end came.

    So many like him still inside the claws of the WTBTS! Very sad!


  • calamityjane

    Thanks Nos, I know these people. Bodners and his sisters were good friends with my parents. I spent many summers with the Klymiuk kids.

  • xjw_b12

    He must have had a lot of clout for them to send the big guy in for the service:

    with Ken Little officiating.
  • Nosferatu

    I'm really wondering how much of his wealth will be going to the Society? He owned quite a few properties from what I can remember. His Theocratic library was a JW's dream (he had reprints of Zion's Watchtower).

    I'm guessing he took me out of his will when I quit going to meetings. He seemed quite fond of me.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    sorry for your loss, Nos,

    The man deserves credit for all of his unpaid voluntary work to the WT. It is a tought call for you to attend.

    Do whatever makes you feel at peace.

    been there,


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