JW Death

by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    The sad thing about when an older loyal JW dies is that they died without seeing what they've waited their whole life for: The end of this system and the new paradise.

    I've watched all the older ones that I've known since I was a kid die. My parents age group is now dying off. I remember when my parents were critisized for having kids so close to the end and now they're dying and we're getting old.

    Condolences on the loss. It's much sadder than the deceased's family realizes.

  • xjw_b12
    I'm really wondering how much of his wealth will be going to the Society?

    That would be the reason for sending The Branch Overseer to give the sermon, wouldn't it? I mean if John Bodnar, died a poor penniless man, even though he gave all of himself to the WTBTS, in the manner he did, (without financial contribution) you can bet Georgetown wouldn't bat an eyelash.

  • Nosferatu
    It is a tought call for you to attend.

    I don't really consider it a tough call. The last JW memorial I went to was in 2000, and there was a whole lotta shunnin' goin' on. I was unhappy with the whole thing, because JW funerals are like Public Talks.

    That would be the reason for sending The Branch Overseer to give the sermon, wouldn't it?

    xjwb12, I never knew who Ken Little was, but what you said makes a lot of sense.

  • Nosferatu

    Just got off the phone with my mother. I told her I wouldn't be going to the memorial

    She said, "What? After he gave you those speakers?"
    Me: Yeah, and after I left the troof, he wanted them back!
    Her: What about all that stingy money he paid you for cutting grass? Well, you'll be happy to know that all the money he didn't pay you probably went to the Society


  • xjw_b12
    xjwb12, I never knew who Ken Little was, but what you said makes a lot of sense.

    Sorry Nos. I thought you knew Ken was the Canadian Branch overseer.

    And sorry to read what your mom said to you.

  • Nosferatu
    Sorry Nos. I thought you knew Ken was the Canadian Branch overseer.

    I think the reason I didn't know is because I never really gave a shit. These higher up people were never important to me, except for John. This is closure for me because it was automatic that I give him the utmost respect, because he was a very knowledgeable elder, and has had years of JW experience. No other elder (or brother) held a position like that in my mind.

    Again, this is closure for me.

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