is it worth it?

by jwbot 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot

    I have a livejournal, and I have recently started a community called jw_discussion as a way for me to heal. I wanted it to be a place where current JW's could go and ask questions and those who were ex or just curious to do the same. It was neither a pro- nor anti- community. It is also the only jw community on livejournal to not be friends only, and be completely open.

    In 3 days of its creation I have sturred up so much controversy. While I can not view what is said in jw_community, someone who can posted what was said about me and my attempts to do this. In the other community, witness_teens, it is not as hostile.

    Snippets: <--- my community. <---mod from jw_community, last post about me. <-- information given to me from what was posted in jw_community. It had really gotten me down...maybe I am frigile emotionally...I dunno. <---several threads started just about my community.

    My question is, could this even work? I mean, I am pretty stressed out over this. I really want it to be a friendly place. There were even some witnesses that came on strong initially, but saw I was sincere and apologized. I just hate it when people are saying how I am a I am controlled by Satan, or anything else that is assumed about those who are not JW's. I want them and myself to break this mold. Is it even worth it? I need some advice and support.

  • Badger


    long time, no read...

    "avowed bisexual"?

    how did that work?

    Does he think you went to the DMV and register as one? Did you testify under oath?


  • jwbot


    I know...well when I went to vote, I registered under the "Bisexuals UNITE!" political party...maybe thats it!

    But yeah very strange...and if I were to give a JW answer, it would be that "God does not hate the person, but the act" and I am not technically having sex with a hot chick (at the moment).

  • Sassy

    aahh.. it looks like you were really harassed..

    it always kills me how JWs who are told not to be on the net and reading NON watchtower sites.. will read stuff and respond..

    it is ok for them to obey only some of the rules.. and yet disobey others.. as well as speak slanderously and unchristian...

    SORRY you weren't treated well.. (we love you.. don't forget!)

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Actualy worse off is that female bisexuality is ignored by God in the bible so I doubt he hates the act as much as people claim. I am not going to give the scriptures, but it is obvious God only hates homosexual men, and does not care about womens issues (hey its the middle east). Now is it pornia? I have no idea because flying solo is pornia to some. Go figure.

  • avishai

    Geez, what a bunch of assholes. It just goes to show that their hateful bullshit dogma leaks over into the real world. Who the hell does this Tony guy think he is, trying to play internet hall monitor? Who died and maed him gOd. I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind. ((((((jwbot)))))

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Well no offense but anyone starting up a JW discussion room and proclaiming to the world that they are bisexual, gay or whatever are asking for trouble, wouldn't you think?

  • jwbot

    English, where did I claim I was bisexual in my community?

  • heathen

    XQsThaiPoes--- I think it's pretty clear in the bible that sexualtiy was only permitted between men and women . In the old testament women were pretty much property that men could aquire and lord over . True the act of men with men was deemed far more disgusting and repulsive ( and in my opinion is ) . I think the act of masturbation was just a minor immoral act even in the old testament but can still be considered a bad practice . What gets me is how the WTBTS considers it some kind of gateway to homosexuality . Now then , if most of them would admit they did it when young and single (and probly still do even when married) but are now married I think this myth would perish along with other idiocies from the WTBTS. It's not like it's a mystery here , we all have to go thru puberty .

  • jwbot

    This post really is not about my sexuality. I do not want to get in a debate of that, I know some poeple feel strongly in one way or the other...and it is much too personal for me to hear how much one hates homos. This is not about that anyway!

    Its about the lj community. Please do not hijack the thread. :(

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