I have a livejournal, and I have recently started a community called jw_discussion as a way for me to heal. I wanted it to be a place where current JW's could go and ask questions and those who were ex or just curious to do the same. It was neither a pro- nor anti- community. It is also the only jw community on livejournal to not be friends only, and be completely open.
In 3 days of its creation I have sturred up so much controversy. While I can not view what is said in jw_community, someone who can posted what was said about me and my attempts to do this. In the other community, witness_teens, it is not as hostile.
http://www.livejournal.com/community/jw_discussion/ <--- my community.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/cobaltbluetony/ <---mod from jw_community, last post about me.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/laceyjess/128249.html <-- information given to me from what was posted in jw_community. It had really gotten me down...maybe I am frigile emotionally...I dunno.
http://www.livejournal.com/community/witness_teens/ <---several threads started just about my community.
My question is, could this even work? I mean, I am pretty stressed out over this. I really want it to be a friendly place. There were even some witnesses that came on strong initially, but saw I was sincere and apologized. I just hate it when people are saying how I am a lier...how I am controlled by Satan, or anything else that is assumed about those who are not JW's. I want them and myself to break this mold. Is it even worth it? I need some advice and support.