is it worth it?

by jwbot 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Hey Jwbot. Sounds like that tony guy is a typical JW prick. "Brothers! Bla bla bla APOSTATE! blabla bla bla JEHOVAH!bla bla blabla WARNED!!! bla blablabla DO NOT blabla blablabla bla TACTICS!!!"

    There's one thing that is positive about this whole thing. You've been given a bit of publicity in that community. Who knows? Someone may infact seek you out because of old Tony. Hell, I'd kill for that kind of publicity, even if it's negative ;) (BTW, I'm working on it)

    I'm working on an autobiography, and it's going to be free for download. I'm putting my whole life story out there for FREE. People will be able to freely critisize, complain, relate, etc etc. I'm taking the risk of doing this. There is always risk when you open yourself up to other people. It all depends on how you take their comments.

    I've had my sore spot hit by JWs who have come across this site. A few powerful (and cocky) words sent their way makes them run. They can't take any of the critisizm they dish out. Now, who's the stronger one?

  • jwbot

    Thanks for the reply, Nosferatu. It helps. I am definately putting myself out there. I realized this morning on my way to class that I am definitely very delicate emotionally...I have a low EQ. I sometimes do not know how to show emotion for some things, and others times, I can get very sad and let things bother me. Keeping this in mind, I have to remember that I feel I am doing something important. That keeps me going. Good luck on the book, I will be sure to read it.

  • Stefanie

    jwbot I can definately relate to you. When I was posting at another board I always got picked on for no reason at all. People said some really mean things to me. I decided it was best for me not to bother with that sucky ass site, and havent been back for a couple of years, not even to lurk.

    Best wishes to you.


  • talesin

    I don't really know how this lj stuff works, but read some of the links you posted.

    This Tony guy, I smell FEAR off him. So he attacked. You are doing a good thing, and others may seek you out as Nosferatu said.

    Please understand that they are not attacking you as a person, but the IDEA of free thought and real discussion scares the beJesus out of them. They don't even know YOU, they only know that you are different, and in JWland, different is a scary thing.

    It's mean and uncalled for; Mister Tony is nothing more than a WTBTS mouthpiece, imho.


  • XQsThaiPoes

    heathen: If you believe only a monogamous relationship was permitted between men, and women then I think you are stuck in the new teastament. I am not going to debate the things that goes on in the bible, but most characters would be disfellowshiped today. I never could figure out how Jesus did away our sins gave us "the greatest law" and left. Then Paul made more rules about "conduct" than Jesus himself, and he did not even know Jesus before the maiming.

  • Flash

    jwbot, Your dealing with zealots, it's like speaking your mind openly at the Hall, you know your going to be attacked! Why bother?? Associate with people who are genuine and will make you feel good about yourself. Being a thinking person is not a crime.

  • FlyingHighNow


    It's good to see you, gal. I was just thinking about you today by the way. I was wondering if we were ever going to hear from you again.

    It's hard to be objective when you are being criticized. I know all to all well.

    The guy who warned everybody about you being an apostate? He reminds me of those old cartoons where a woman would see a mouse and she would jump up on a table and raise her skirts and jump from foot to foot screaming, "A mouse! It's a MOUSE!!!!"

    When you feel hurt just imagine that brother jumping up on his desk, lifting his pants legs so his frilly socks show and screaming, "An apostate! It's an APOSTATE!!!!!!! WARNING!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVESSSSSSSS!!!!!"

    He reminds me of my sister. Here is a quote from an e-mail my nephew wrote me today mentioning her and me: " are right about mom, she has already "warned" me about speaking with you saying you ARE an apostate. i take this with a grain of salt. i love you and your descisions are yours to make, as are mine."

    Put some humor to the negative comments. Humor is the best medicene when someone is saying hurtful things about you.

    Good to see you around.


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