Do you think people are good?

by DanTheMan 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DanTheMan

    Is there any such thing as good?

    The Watchtower taught us that all people outside the org either willingly or unknowingly support Satan, and soon will die for doing such. Those are some weird goggles to look at people through.

    Do you find that WT misanthropy still affects your thinking, and makes you feel that the whole world is bad and hopeless? And that people are basically selfish and evil?

  • pc

    I have found exactly the opposite from what the JW said. There are always mean, nasty people but for the most part I've met really awesome people.

  • plmkrzy

    I think some people are good, some people try to be good and some people aren't worth horse sh**. This includes jws and everyone else regardless of beliefs

  • ScoobySnax

    Do you know Dan I parked my car outside my parents house after having done my grocery shopping, and left the grocery bags on the back seat. Stayed at my parents for an hour or so and then drove home, when I got out of my car I pulled the seat forward to retrieve the guessed it, it had gone. Stupidly, with my brain in neutral (whats new I know) I then started looking under the car seats for it (like 7 laden bags of food could slip under 2 six inch gaps! ) before it dawned on me that someone had helped themselves.

    Slightly off track I know. But had someone been starving and have asked me for the food, I'd have given it to them....willingly, I just thought it was sad that someone had just walked past (probably a neighbour as well) and helped themselves. I would say its a good 50/50......there are some selfish nasty people in the world, but I've seen some good in others too, who go out of their way to help un-asked.

    Sorry for blabbering.


  • DanTheMan

    I wish I could learn to love people in spite of their failings. I wish I could learn to love humanity in spite of all the wars, violence, wastefulness and hatred.

  • Satanus

    I think that the majority are good, if you wanna use that word. The minority are as*holes. But, it seems that most of the time, not all the time, the as*holes get to the top. This is aided and abetted by people's insecurity. Because people feel insecure as lone units, they desire to be in family/religious/state/national/international groupings. This makes/gives them security, but it also gives extra power to the rulers of whatever group. This power can be, and generally is abused. If all people ever overcome their fears and selfishness, these group systems could dissolve. The name for this system is anarchy, that is without an overarching authority.

    SS & his 2 cents

  • ScoobySnax

    SS.....that might be so, but who had my shopping away?!

    Dan.... Do YOU think people are good?

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Its silly to go on pretending that under the skin we are all brothers.

    The truth is more likely that under the skin we are all cannibals, assassins, traitors, liars, hyprocrites, poltroons.

    Henry Miller

    People are worthless eaters, shyt factories with two legs. I personally do not have any close friends, just a bunch of people who I speak to regularly.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I think, in my own country, 9/11 was totally representative of the good in people, and something I will never forget. In video after video, I just saw those firemen, police officers, restaurant owners, and other people on the streets just helping other people. I believe, as a whole, that people are good and they help other people. In reality shows, where someone doesn't know that they are being filmed, I found that, for the most part, people are honest and good. I will still keep on believing that, as naive as it may be, for the rest of my life. People will live up to what you expect of them.

    I think people are like that in other countries, too, but the media only focuses on the bad stuff.


  • DanTheMan

    SS, yes the word "good" is probably too subjective here. Maybe I mean, do you think humans are gonna make it? Or if we're left to our own devices, we're doomed? It seems like people's insecurities and dependence on authority structures are indeed the problem much of the time. Anarchy seems like a far-fetched and unworkable solution though.

    Scoob, I don't know, I don't know if I know anything anymore. Life is confusing.

    Encouraging quote there forty. Perhaps true in some respects, but maybe a bit too cynical. There's a lady I work with named Cora, she is a great lady, I don't think she's a shyt factory.

    Country Girl, the media doesn't help much, agreed. My perceptions of Arabs are probably hopelessly distorted.

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