The human race is a bit like nature. There is the herd of herbivors grazing peacefully at their jobs, obeying the rules, fighting the wars, paying their taxes, etc. Then, as in nature, there is a much smaller number that are predators/parasites. They can be controlers of huge corps/govt bodies, or scammers in the nieghborhood, always on the watch for an easy victim. These people stampede/manipulate the trusting/helpless/docile majority for their own gain. --- Saint Satan
I agree with the above statement of Saint Satan's. But being a bit on the evolutionist side, I think we ARE nature. We come from it and so we're very much it, just have more intelligence.
I gained a lot of peace when I quit expecting people to be "good." They're just people. When I feel frustrated sometimes, I think "we're all just smart chimpanzees." That takes it out of the religious good vs evil realm, as Talesin indicated.
As the Buddhists say somewhere, we're all after the same thing, to gain pleasure and avoid pain. We're human, no better no worse.