El blanko
My intent was not to be hostile, but to calmly disagree. Perhaps my reply was a bit provocative or confrontational, sorry if I offended.
In answer, yes, I agree with what you say about alcohol. For me, it has been a substance that is much more dangerous than maryjane. And I do not like to see children smoking pot, drinking coffee and tea in huge amounts, drinking alcohol, having sex and a myriad of other things that adults do.
So I do agree with most of your points.
No, I'm not a pothead. Actually, I left my first husband cause HE was a pothead *smile*. It ruled his life. By the way, almost 20 years later, he is still a pothead, but has never done ANY other drugs (I am still friends with his family). He also is not a drinker.
When I left him, at age 29, I never missed pot - didn't even have a toke for almost 10 years. Now I will indulge if it's around, and have used it medicinally for pain and nausea over the last few years.
I knew many pot smokers over the years. Some of them (baby-boomers) would occasionally take a hit of acid (not my cup of tea), but most only ever smoked pot. I think I know of 2 people from my early twenties who went on to cocaine, but in my considerable partying experience (trust me on that one), I have met few people who went from maryjane to harder drugs. Thus the 'urban legend' falsehood.
This is an issue on which I feel our culture has been misled. Yes, there will always be people who turn to mind-altering substances so that they do not have to deal with reality, and marijuana can be used for this purpose, but I have not seen that smoking dope is something that turns one to harder drugs. These claims have never, to my knowledge, been documented or proven, thus my request from you for data. I feel that emotional problems do this, and an inability to cope with life. Alcohol is, imho, a much more dangerous drug.
The money that is wasted by the gov't on tracking down the 'evil pot smokers' would, imo, be much better spent on providing help for people to have better health. Then we wouldn't have to worry about so many people turning to addictive, harmful substances to blot out reality. Also, if folks could just grow a little herb on their windowsill, there would be no organized crime involved with the maryjane.
I hope that was a more reasoned response. I certainly don't expect you to agree with me. It is, after all, a much-debated issue that many folks feel very strongly about, myself included.